Is America’s Vision 20/20?

If you are experiencing blurry or double vision, seeing halos around lights, or squinting more than normal, you might need new eyeglasses. Check out this infographic to learn how to properly care for your eyes.

Who Wants to Live Forever?

We all want to live as long as possible and with all of the advancements in medicine and technology we are able to live a lot longer than our ancestors. This infographic provides a deeper look into how we have aged over time as well as some tips to help you live longer.

Heel Pain? A Plantar Fasciitis Guide

Obese individuals may have to deal with a number of health problems, including foot pain. In fact, overweight people have a 140% greater chance of developing plantar fasciitis. Learn about the symptoms of plantar fasciitis in this infographic.

The Guide To Candida

The following infographic aims to explain the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Candida, which is an illness that affects millions of people worldwide. This infographic is designed to spread awareness and increase education about this condition.

Weight Loss Surgery: Which One To Go For?

This infographic by looks into three major bariatric surgeries including Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y, Gastric Band and Gastric Sleeve. It presents the in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the surgery, providing answers to such questions as who is eligible for the weight loss surgery, how long does it take for the surgeon to perform the surgery and when a person is discharged from the hospital.

Recovery: The Most Neglected Element of a Workout

When you work out, you are actually tearing your muscles. In fact, it takes 48 hours to repair microtrauma, which are the tiny tears in the muscles. Therefore, it’s very important to allow recovery time after any workout or sports activity. Check out the infographic below presented by Discount Surgical Stockings to learn more about the importance of recovery.

Are Infant Reflux Drugs Worth the Risks?

The number of babies prescribed acid suppression drugs such as H2 blockers and PPIs grew 8-fold during 2002 to 2009, but fewer than 10% received any diagnostic testing for GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Some pediatricians are growing concerned that the “epidemic” of infant GERDcases is actually due to over-diagnosis, especially since clinical trials show acid blockers work no better than a placebo and can actually lead to short term and long term side effects. The FDA has not approved PPIs for treatment of GERD in children younger than one year. Learn more in the following infographic from Colic Calm.

The Impact of Poor Health in America

This infographic by Solstice Medicine provides a quick look at the factors that can help determine life expectancy and then compares the rates across the world. Surprisingly, the United States does not fare as well as you would expect.

Nursing Home Care vs. Home Health Care

Home health care and nursing homes offer some important differences. One of the biggest decisions you will ever make for an elderly loved one in your life is deciding whether to hire a home support worker or put your loved one in a nursing home. This is never an easy decision, but with a bit of thought and consideration, you can better understand your options and be sure you make the right choice.