Things That Can Affect the Skin

Apart from any inherited factors that determine what type of skin you have, there are many factors that affect the way your skin looks and feels. In the infographic below by HealthySkinSolutions see what these factors are and how they affect the skin is important if your goal is to keep your skin looking and feeling its best for as long as possible.

Incidences of Cancer in the United States

The following infographic displays some pretty gripping statistics about incidence and survival rates for various cancer sites as well as incidence percentages by state. The purpose of the graphic is to share importance of focusing on a cure for cancer and asking people to support the organizations that are working hard to find one.

Magnesium Deficiency In Americans

The importance of magnesium in our diets is often overlooked or forgotten. About 75% of Americans are currently magnesium deficient. Here is an infographic that shows the key points and on magnesium deficiency statistics.

America’s War on Drugs: A History of Addiction Treatment in the US

Drug and alcohol treatment has evolved greatly over the last four centuries; from Native American sobriety circles to the endorsement of cocaine by Sigmund Freud, the United States has been engulfed in a long-standing battle with addiction. This infographic is an in-depth timeline on the history of drug and alcohol treatment in the US.

Health Care: The Costs That Affect Us All

Health care is a universal necessity for all individuals. Without it, the personal cost of everything from dental procedures to eye care can be a serious dent to your wallet. Health care is also a key component of our economy. However, we are only ranked #37 by the World Health Organization’s analysis of health services in the world. Why is health care so costly in the U.S?

Organ Donation Facts and Figures

The following infographic focuses on issues such as consent rates, waiting times for organ transplants, annual mortality rates due to lack of available organs, and the gap between people who believe that organ donation is the right thing to do versus people who have actually joined the NHS Organ Donor Register in the UK.

Toying With Children’s Health

Childhood obesity is at epidemic proportions. A generation of children face life long health problems as a result and it is predicted that sizeable number will die before their parents. The following infographic explores the link between the types of toys that have been most popular over recent decades and the increasing childhood obesity rates.

Lasik Eye Laser Surgery

This infographic is a helpful tool for patients who are planning or advised to undergo with the procedure. It first gives the basic information about the procedure as well as its advantages. It also answers the most frequent questions that one might have regarding dos and don’ts before, during and after the surgery.