Lazy Person’s Guide To Burning Calories

As you might have guessed, there isn’t a way to sit on your couch all day and end up looking like a bodybuilder. There are however some everyday things you can do that are good for your health. These are things that you would probably do anyhow, so you might as well feel good about how many calories you’re burning by doing them.

Get in the Loop – Raising Awareness for Lupus

May is seen as time to come together and help raise national awareness for all the forms of lupus. It is a time to show support for the estimated 1.5 million people in the United States who are affected by this chronic autoimmune disease. With the following infographic, which contains data and statistics on this disease, Achieve Clinical Research hopes to help raise awareness for lupus patients and their families.

Low Back Pain By the Numbers

Most Americans (61 percent) experience low back pain, but physical therapists can help regain mobility, activity and health by relieving the source and not just the symptoms of pain. Check out the infographic below, published by, for more statistical facts on low back pain.

Life Insurance Facts & Figures

The following infographic, published by WholeTerm Life Insurance, shows some interesting facts from death causes to types of life insurance. Interesting enough, it has been said that over 95 million US adults don’t have life insurance. The goal of this data visualization is to help you realize just how important coverage is and provide you with everything you need to know about life insurance coverage.

Eat Your Greens: How Many Vegetarians Get It Wrong

While the following infographic from Eagle Barber certainly promotes green vegetables, it also highlights some things that those who primarily seek a plant-based diet, do wrong. For example, “mock meats” and even over-indulgence in snacking can be a hindrance to a healthy diet.

What You Don’t Know Will Kill You

The heart is a sensitive organ, and once it goes out on you, it’s hard to bring it back.’s latest infographic tells the truth about sudden cardiac arrest, exploring what it is, why it happens, and what you can do to prevent it.

Healthy Eyes in a Digital World

Everywhere we go these days, our digital world tags along with us. People spend an average of 6 hours per day in front of some kind of digital device whether that be a PC, laptop, tablet, smart phone or digital television. Have you ever considered what effect that might have on your eyes?

Your Chances of Dying

This new infographic from Best Health Degrees explores your risk of dying when doing various activities. From base jumping, to obesity, to dance parties, this infographic takes a look at just about everything.

What Your Poop and Pee Are Telling You About Your Body

Poop and pee? Who wants to talk about these subjects? However both of these excrements can tell a person a lot about their health. The following infographic discovered at Kimberly Snyder is a handy guide to anything and everything you may have wondered about your pee, and yes, your poop.