Oct 16, 2024 | Health Infographics
Nursing homes often face a dehydration issue that cannot be solved simply by drinking more water. Dehydration can lead to various health problems, creating a significant need for improved hydration. Learn more about how to fix the problem with dehydration in nursing homes and how to fix it with IV therapy in the following infographic.
Sep 18, 2024 | Health Infographics
The numbers are staggering: more than a quarter of a million Coloradans report serious thoughts of suicide, and the state ranks near the bottom for its prevalence of mental illness. What’s driving this crisis? And more importantly, what can be done to reverse the trend? This infographic explains some of the contributors to Colorado’s worsening mental health crisis.
Aug 14, 2024 | Health Infographics
When it comes to healthcare, much of the process is error prone and manually done with a lot of duplication. This in turn, makes a number of claims delayed and rejected. There’s got to be a better way. Learn more about the power of health insurance capture and benefit verification automation in the following infographic.
Jul 29, 2024 | Health Infographics
The team at NY Requirements shed some light on a hot button issue with an infographic charting the rising prices of prescription drugs. America has the highest prescription drug prices in the world. Some medications have increased more than others, but as you can see from the results of the infographic, the rate of increase is enormous.
May 13, 2024 | Health Infographics
The team at NY Requirements researched the most prescribed drugs in the United States and compiled the data in the following infographic. These statistics can give us far more insights into health beyond which drugs are the most used. We can infer what illnesses are most common, which drugs doctors seem to consider the most effective, and make other implications about the state of American health.
Mar 7, 2024 | Health Infographics
While allergies may cause mildly annoying and bothersome symptoms for people, some allergic reactions can be life-threatening. It’s important to know the difference and when to seek urgent care for allergies. Here is an infographic that contains information on allergy types, symptoms, treatments, and figures on how many people suffer from allergies.
Mar 6, 2024 | Health Infographics
With the latest craze over weight loss injectables, many have forgotten that weight loss medications have been around for years. Some have come and gone, while others have been around for a while. In the following infographic, look at what weight loss medications we have had over the years and how they have worked.
Jan 10, 2024 | Health Infographics
The business of getting health insurance card data right is messy and error prone. It’s time to change for the better with health insurance card capture with AI. Check out the following infographic from Orbit Healthcare for more details.
Sep 25, 2023 | Health Infographics
Knees Over Toes Training is a revolutionary approach that not only enhances athletic performance but also fortifies the joints against injuries. This is a transformational training method that prioritizes strength, conditioning, and joint health. By embracing this program, you’ll unlock a new realm of athletic prowess while significantly reducing the risk of injuries that often force athletes to limit their activity levels.
Sep 11, 2023 | Health Infographics
Explore the latest Health & Safety statistics in the UK for 2023 in a visually engaging infographic where you will discover key insights and trends in workplace safety that matter to you. Contained within the infographic are fatality rates, non-fatal accidents, comparisons to European and global statistics, workdays lost, cost to the UK economy.
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