Stress at Work: Symptoms, Causes and How to Beat It

Someone is made ill by stress at work every two minutes. Because of this, more people need to be educated on the topic of stress management. Therefore, Shepherds Fiendly has created an infographic that addresses the causes, symptoms and how to beat stress in the workplace, to help those suffering from stress.

13 Insanely Powerful Vitamins for Healthy Looking Kids

If you think that you can provide multivitamins to your kids with supplements only, then you are not on the right track. Especially, infants don’t need any unnatural doses of vitamins. Topbabygears believes that all 13 types of vitamins and 14 types of essential minerals can be provided with the help of whole natural food.

The True Facts About Ketamine

The team at Addiction Resource has put together the following infographic to spread social awareness on the types of drugs available on the market, so people know what kinds of substances to avoid to stay drug-free.

Interesting Facts About Laser Tattoo Removal

They say the only thing that is constant is change, and your body also changes over time. This means that awesome tattoo you got as a teenager now reflects the poor judgement call you made back then and as each day passes, you notice how it adversely affects your life. Whether it is your chances of being hired, the way you dress, the way you feel in life or even getting an inside view into how potential employers think, this infographic will certainly be an eye opener.

How to Choose the Best Breast Implants for Your Body Type

Breast implant sizes are measured by volume using cubic centimeters (cc’s). A larger implant means more volume and further projection from the chest wall. When deciding what breast size to choose, bear in mind that every woman’s body type is different and this affects how the implants will look. Therefore, two women may have the same sized implants, but each procedure will yield a different result.

Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Vitamin C

The infographic below explores ten evidence-based health benefits of vitamin C. Some of the benefits include treating the common cold, prevent heart disease, prevent Alzheimer’s and reduce muscle soreness after exercise. You can get vitamin C from oranges, kiwi,...

A Better Look at Teen Self-Harm

Teens struggle with many things and often times don’t know how to cope. Because of this, teens can develop bad habits and self-harm may be one of the most gruesome. Self-harm is often a way for teens to feel that they have gained some control of their lives during difficult situations. Also, many feel that they have lost the sense of feelings and emotions, in which they turn to self-harm to become a way for them to ‘feel’ again.

Future Medicine In The Movies

What can we expect to see in the next few decades as medicine progresses? You might think that science fiction and movies are just stories. Pie in the sky. But often, ideas for future procedures are dreamt up in the films we call entertainment. This infographic looks at this in more detail.

Anabolic Steroids Abuse in High School and College Athletes

While they get an unfair advantage in various sports and activities due to these performance-boosting substances, Anabolic steroids can prove to be detrimental to both young and old athletes. For instance, it takes a toll on their cognitive abilities and leads to the diminishing of their physiological functions. More often than not, these can lead to chronic diseases and disorders.