Jun 15, 2022 | Health Infographics
Which viruses in history were the fastest to spread throughout society? The NY Requirements team compared the basic reproduction number (R0) of 26 different viruses that require human-to-human transmission to see which were found to spread to the most people during the height of the virus outbreak.
Jun 14, 2022 | Health Infographics
Is VR good exercise? Absolutely! Is VR good for weight loss? It can definitely help when paired with a healthy diet. The team at VR Space has explored data from the VR Fitness Institute to rank the VR games that burn the most calories and displayed it visually in the following infographic.
May 10, 2022 | Health Infographics
We all know that cardio workouts are great for your heart. Pilates does wonders for your core. Weightlifting helps with your strength. Yoga is good for your mental health. But, did you know that there are exercises (several, in fact) that can help you with erectile dysfunction, and improve your sex life in general? In the following infographic, Canadian Pharmacy World looks at 6 exercises to combat erectile dysfunction.
Apr 29, 2022 | Health Infographics
Prescription drugs are a fact of life for many people. If you rely on a certain medication to regulate your blood sugar, protect your immune system, or just ensure your overall health, you know the importance of drugs to treat specific medical conditions. Which drugs can cause weight gain and what can you do about?
Mar 25, 2022 | Health Infographics
In the fight against allergic reactions, food allergy testing is a key component for allergists. Access to information is one of the best ways to ensure that children and adults get an accurate diagnosis for their food allergies and to help with this, Food Allergies Atlanta has put together the following infographic to help spread awareness about food allergy testing.
Mar 23, 2022 | Health Infographics
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, affects an estimated 2.4% of adults. While it is not necessarily a serious problem, sometimes it can mask a more severe issue. Halitosis isn’t a pleasant condition to have. It can be embarrassing and will have detrimental effects on your confidence and social life. Taking care of your overall oral health will help you get rid of your bad breath. Here is an infographic that provides 5 tips to avoid bad breath.
Feb 1, 2022 | Health Infographics
Is there a link between sleep and success? If you look at the habits of successful people, you will find that many of them sleep the minimum requirement of 7 hours a night. Learn more about how sleep and success go hand in hand in the infographic below.
Jan 26, 2022 | Health Infographics
If you have spent years of your life frustrated by stubborn belly flab, then you may be over the moon about finally having a tummy tuck procedure. Here is a comprehensive guide that will provide everything you need to know about making it through your tummy tuck and the subsequent recovery, with minimal discomfort.
Jan 19, 2022 | Health Infographics
Teeth extractions are performed by a dentist or oral surgeon and are fairly quick inpatient procedures with anesthesia. Often, extractions are performed for wisdom teeth, diseased teeth, and teeth that need to be removed for dental implants placement. What do you do after you get your tooth pulled? Find out in the following infographic.
Jan 3, 2022 | Health Infographics
COVID has been a challenging time for hospital to keep up, and hospitals rely on their pharmacies to keep things moving smoothly. Learn more about the importance of central pharmacies and how they can be as efficient as possible through pharmacy automation in the visual deep dive below, courtesy of Swisslog Healthcare.
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