Jul 23, 2015 | Health Infographics
Stress can be a scary word, summoning up all types of feelings of dread or physical discomfort. However, it does not have to be all-consuming. In fact, there are ways you can properly manage your stress levels while benefiting other areas of your life. This infographic shares some tips on how to manage stress and live a calm, collected life.
Jul 10, 2015 | Health Infographics
Playing with fireworks is not a good idea, mainly because they are dangerous and they aren’t toys. Learn more about the dangers of playing with fireworks in this infographic from The Hand Center of San Antonio.
Jul 9, 2015 | Health Infographics
While you’re watching the tennis this Wimbledon season, will you be indulging in some of the classic tournament treats? A bowl of strawberries and cream or a pot of classic English tea? Well do you know how long you would have to spend on the court yourself to work them off? This infographic shows just how long you would need to play tennis to burn off your favorite Wimbledon treats.
Jul 9, 2015 | Health Infographics
Plantar fasciitis is an extremely painful foot and heel injury. Plantar fasciitis can be caused by a number of different things but the main reasons are: poorly made or fitting shoes, obesity, recent surge in physical activity and long periods of standing. This infographic sheds more light on the causes and treatments of plantar fasciitis.
Jul 9, 2015 | Health Infographics
The infographic from Burning Nights provides information on the increasing use of complementary medicine since 1960, and also informs on some of the benefits experienced by users.
Jul 8, 2015 | Health Infographics
Calories are the energy in food – they’re what gives us the PUNCH to get out and get active, but without activity they can also be the fluff that builds right around your waist. Luckily we burn calories all the time – by walking, lifting weights, even doing simple office tasks. We burn calories in other more exciting ways too! This infographic takes some of our favorite guilty pleasures and shows you how to put those calories through the wringer.
Jul 7, 2015 | Health Infographics
Have you ever wondered where the first ER opened? It was in Louisville, Kentucky! Learn more from this infographic presented by the folks at Lockton Companies.
Jul 6, 2015 | Animated Infographics, Health Infographics
Did you know that over 50% of the cortex, the large outer layer of the brain, is devoted to vision? Optical illusions illustrate that the mind makes assumptions about the world. This gifographic covers optical illusions from primitive forms starting with the Ancient Greeks in 350BC, to 21st century illusions in the field of theoretical neurobiology.
Jul 3, 2015 | Health Infographics
Did you know that there are foods that humans are designed to eat? These foods, along with proper exercise will help you lose weight, look great and feel your best. One recent trend has been people working towards a more natural food diet. NordicTrack recently conducted research on the Paleo diet and how it compares to a healthy diet recommended by the USDA. The infographic below will walk you through the homo sapiens diet over time.
Jul 2, 2015 | Health Infographics
The reality of teen depression can be scary but understanding the challenges that your teen faces daily can help you to be prepared to help your teen. The following infographic will teach you the signs of teen depression as well as how to find solutions for your teen that is struggling with teen depression.