Happy Feet Makes Happy Healthcare Professionals

Did you know that during an average day of walking, your feet can carry the force of hundreds of tons, equivalent of a fully loaded cement truck? In the following infographic, Uniform Advantage looks at how healthcare professionals pick functionality first with a pop of style when selecting their medical shoes to help them cope with their strenuous hours.

The Truth About Men and Cosmetic Surgery

With increased numbers, it stands to reason that the number of cosmetic procedures going wrong would increase. However there may be a stigma for men around speaking out if they’ve suffered a cosmetic surgery injury. Take a look at the following infographic from Paul Rooney Solicitors to see just how much the industry has grown in the last few years.

Travel Tips for Travelers with Diabetes

Many people often do not travel thinking their diabetic conditions will be a barrier for their vacation. Here is an infographic that will help you manage your diabetes while you’re on holidays. Diabetic travelers must take extra precaution and plan their vacation well in advance for stress-free travel.

The Power of Smiling

Everyone loves to smile. Or, at least, everyone should! However, smiling isn’t just an expression of joy – it’s also a cognitive reflex to positive aspects of life that release endorphins, dopamine and serotonin – making you feel physically better. Happiness makes you smile, and smiling makes you happier – it’s a positive feedback loop that just keeps on giving.

Cut Down on Calories by Swapping This For That

Cutting down on unnecessary calories, sugars and fats doesn’t have to be a tormenting process. Lucas James, a Celebrity Personal Trainer in Scottsdale, AZ, has put together this list of “Swap This For That” items that offer healthier food options.

More Australian Men Turning to Brotox

The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that 10 per cent of cosmetic procedures are performed on men! After years of working in the Australian sun, men are now looking for ways to rejuvenate their weathered faces. Brotox is the latest solution ! Many men believe that Brotox allows them to have more fun and that it makes them feel more confident in their sex lives.

The Mental Health Of Your Favorite Fandom

Mental health issues and mental illness has become as prevalent in pop culture as it is in real life. This has been made possible by increased awareness, understanding and acceptance of our modern culture. These days, nearly every television show, movie, comic or novel has a main character living with mental health issues, but just like in real life, these issues are not always immediately apparent or noticeable.

The Joy of Healthy Hands

Why do we wash our hands after using the restroom? Why do we not wash our hands prior to “doing our business”? And is it really necessary to wash every single time? Here is an infographic filled with fun (and gross) facts about hand washing, health, and hygiene.