Traumatic Brain Injuries: What You Need To Know

Traumatic brain injuries are becoming much more widely known now that the NFL has put brain injuries in the spotlight. This has increased the amount of awareness surrounding the injury, but even with all the research that has been performed, most people don’t know the real causes or signs that accompany a Traumatic Brain Injury.

Why Your Medical Bills Are So High and How to Lower Them

Why are medical bills so high in the United States? According to research completed and displayed in this new infographic, there are a number of issues having to do with inflating medical costs. This includes but is not limited to the billing system, certain cost drivers, overcharges, fraud, and other items revealed in this infographic.

Decorating & House-Work: The Calorie Killers

The average British home-owner spends more than 16 hours a week cleaning their home. That’s the equivalent of 2 hours and 23 minutes a day! Housework is a cheaper and more productive way to burn loads of calories, so find out what you can do around your home and how it compares to working out at the gym.

What Do You Mean I Need Reading Glasses?

As we age we start to need glasses to read the fine print. At first there’s denial, then we’re embarrassed, then we start to share our readers around the restaurant table with the rest of our friends. Presbyopia happens to most of us. ThinOptics looks at the why and provides answers to keeping your readers close without hanging them around your neck like grannie does.

Pill Nation: Are Americans Over-Medicated?

Prescription drugs are the fastest growing sector of US healthcare costs and have become a major priority to many Americans. Where do you fit in with these statistics? The following infographic takes a look at whether Americans are over-medicated or not.

Has PTSD Become an Epidemic?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is gaining attention for causing addiction, mental problems and negative impact on health for veterans. Being in battle can cause lifelong problems more than we think. In this infographic, take a look at whether PTSD has b become an epidemic.

Is History Repeating Itself with Obamacare?

The news has been abuzz with updates and debates surrounding Obamacare. However, many of these discussions seem oddly familiar to many of our older citizens. Surprisingly, Social Security and Medicare both faced strict opposition in their fledgling days. Now, however, they are some of the most popular programs around.

Oxytocin: How One Molecule Shapes Our Social Life

What is Oxytocin? It is a Neuropeptide [noor-oh-pep-tahyd] or a peptide (protein) produced by neural tissue, as a result of hormonal activity. This tiny little molecule affects: pain; rewards; food intake; metabolism; reproduction; social behaviour; learning; and memory functions. For something so tiny, Oxytocin has the capacity to alter our entire social world.

Designed for Healing

The concept of color, light, design, and layout having an actual effect on patient health and well-being is not a new one. It dates back to the ancient Chinese discipline of Feng Shui, which studies how best to direct energy flow through habitats. It’s no surprise, then, that a growing number of professionals are becoming interested in the field of healthcare interior design, and just how a space is decorated and arranged can have measurable results on a patient’s comfort and healing process.