Black Mold: Your Bathrooms Nemesis

Black mold in bathrooms is not just unsightly. It is also deadly. S. chlorohalonata, or toxic black mold, actually affects the quality of indoor air and can be the root cause of many respiratory ailments. Constant exposure to this type of mold can lead to lung and nose bleeding, headaches, and nose and throat irritation. If you’re also experiencing unexplained hair loss, eye irritation, rashes, and sudden allergies without any visible cause, chances are your home has toxic black mold.

HIV & AIDS: Our Shared Responsibility

What is the current state of HIV and AIDS globally and in the United States? How can one person’s actions affect others and keep them healthy and safe? How can we all work together to move closer towards an HIV & AIDS-free generation? Learn about HIV and AIDS, some easy ways to avoid exposure to the virus, how HIV can lead to AIDS, and more in this infographic.

Dementia – The Global Pandemic

A global report has suggested that Dementia cases are set to treble by 2050. The number of people living with dementia worldwide is set to treble by 2050, according to a new analysis. Alzheimer’s Disease International says 44 million people live with the disease, but that figure will increase to 135 million by 2050.

Beware “Dr. Web” and the Dreaded Google Self Diagnosis

Ever since America at large discovered the convenience of the Internet, people have been using it to research everything from recipes to real estate listings. Add to that, we’re a society that leans a bit paranoid when it comes to our aches and pains–and it certainly comes as no surprise that health concerns are one of the more popular search topics on the Web.

The Doctor Shortage – Where Are All the Doctors?

We’re living longer these days. Our country’s population is steadily growing. And, with the passage of 2010′s Affordable Care Act, health insurance is increasingly available to Americans. While all of these facts are positive, there is a potentially concerning factor we must consider as a result: An impending shortage in family doctors.

Lung Cancer: History and Hope

Lung cancer was not identified as a disease until mid1700. But it’s been around since the dawn of man. Now, scientists are out to find a cure…or more effective treatments. This infographic looks at the history of lung cancer and the hope for a cure.

The Dark Side of Nursing

Nurses have one of the most dangerous jobs around. From assaults to verbal abuse, nurses need to be constantly on guard. Top RN to BSN has created an infographic entitled “The Dark Side of Nursing”, detailing just how dangerous being a nurse can be, along with how nurses can protect themselves.

Ketosis, Ketones, and How It All Works

Ketosis is a process that the body does on an everyday basis, regardless of the number of carbs you eat. In this infographic by Ruled Me, get a brief overview of how the ketogenic diet works in respect to your body.