How To Get A Six-Pack

Exercise increases the rate at which the body burns calories. In combination with the correct diet, it will lead to greater definition and the ability to build a six-pack. This infographic brought to you by Fightshop reveals the myths surrounding body fat, the most six-pack friendly and unfriendly foods and the most effective exercises for developing your core and sculpting your abdominal muscles. You CAN have that washboard stomach you’ve always dreamed of!

10 Ways to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is still a very real threat to human nowadays no matter how hard people have been trying to fight against it. Everyday, breast cancer affects life of thousands of women throughout the world. The following infographic by provides a list that may help keep you from developing breast cancer.

Relapse: The Revolving Door

Oftentimes, relapse seems like a revolving door – an endless cycle of addiction, intervention, treatment, recovery, and relapse. The vicious cycle begins again. But why does it have to be that way? Why can’t your friend, child, or relative just quit? Learn more about this issue in the following infographic from Clarity Way.

Popping Pills: A Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic

Prescription drug abuse in America is on the rise. Today, 52 million citizens over the age of 12 have used prescription drugs non-medically in their lifetime. Over half obtained the drugs for free from a friend or a relative. They’re so easy to get that even teens cite their availability as the number one reason they abuse them. When will the madness end?

How To Treat Acne Related Scars and Blemishes

One of the most lamentable problems of acne is the scars they leave behind. Many people despair over these unsightly scars and blemishes and would like to find the most ideal solution to make them disappear forever. Acne scars can be avoided and prevented with simple tips that all acne sufferers should know. By following these simple tips, you can completely eliminate acne scars even after an acne outbreak. If you already have acne scars, they can be treated with simple remedies so that people won’t have to know you suffer from acne.

The Truth Hurts: How Everyday Pain Affects Everyone

The truth is Americans are hurting, and this time it’s not because of the economy. This infographic explores an epidemic that can affect anyone, at anytime – pain. More than eight in 10 Americans have experienced muscle or joint pain over the past 12 months, and 75 percent have it in three or more places. Too many people spend their lives going through the motions with gritted teeth. This infographic breaks down where it hurts, who’s in pain and how they’re dealing with it.