Mar 21, 2025 | Career Infographics
Self-employment is an alternative career path that offers its own benefits and complications. Here are thirty facts and statistics about self-employment reveal the prevalence of this work style, its unique benefits and challenges, and the attitudes of workers toward self-employment.
Jan 8, 2025 | Career Infographics
A new study from Madison Trust Company shows the countries with the highest minimum wages and the most considerable minimum wage increases in recent years. Studies show that the countries with a higher minimum wage requirement have happier citizens.
Nov 1, 2024 | Career Infographics
The Covid-19 pandemic changed the work landscape completely, making it necessary for workers to stay at home and work there if possible. As working from home became the new normal, many workers and businesses found that they favored this style of work and carried on even after pandemic guidelines were lifted.
Nov 1, 2024 | Career Infographics
Feminists have tried to move the needle on the gender wage gap for decades. Ever since women entered the workforce, they’ve faced the issue of lower pay compared to their male counterparts. New data from the team at Qualtrics shows us that in many areas around the country, we’re making progress, but in others we’ve regressed.
Sep 24, 2024 | Career Infographics
The CEO to worker pay refers to the difference between the CEO’s salary and their average worker’s salary. In recent years, the subject of CEO to worker pay ratios have been a hot subject mostly because the gaps between them tend to widen. The team at Madison Trust Company shows us the status of these ratios at some of the business world’s top companies to illustrate the full spectrum of the issue.
Aug 21, 2024 | Career Infographics
The workplace revolution that started out pandemic-inspired is here to stay. More and more workers and companies are opting to go remote with the staff working from the comfort of home. Since 35% of workers have made their home their workplace, the team at Ooma decided to take a closer look at the state of work from home in America by analyzing states by the work from home favorability.
Jul 15, 2024 | Career Infographics
The COO or Second in Command is the glue that holds together most operations of many major businesses. There is much ado about the CEO, but smart organizations invest heavily in the career progress of their COO’s as well. Learn more about the important work behind COO coaching in the infographic below.
Apr 19, 2024 | Career Infographics
The gender wage gap refers to the difference between salaries of men and women based solely on their gender. Study the timeline below made by the team at Qualtrics and you’ll find that women have always been paid less to the dollar every man makes.
Mar 14, 2024 | Career Infographics
It’s no wonder that 93% of organizations are concerned about retaining employees, with one survey revealing that companies across the United States are prioritizing talent retention over revenue. How are some of the world’s largest companies keeping employees from leaving for new pastures? And how can businesses replicate their strategies.
May 8, 2023 | Career Infographics
Certain jobs may be better suited for extroverts or introverts based on their natural inclinations. For example, extroverted individuals may thrive in sales, public speaking, or other professions that involve frequent social interactions. On the other hand, introverts may excel in roles that require focused attention and analysis, such as writing, research, or programming.
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