Nov 3, 2015 | Career Infographics
Here is an educational infographic that looks at the best occupations for a more satisfied work-life balance. It ranks jobs by factors like total hours worked a week, fun rating, average pay, growth potential, flexibility and stress level.
Oct 23, 2015 | Career Infographics
Every employer knows how hard it is to find good employee. This is why they need to follow trends to constantly be ahead of competition. Find out how to do that with the help of this infographic which will reveal you secrets of compensation and salary trends in the field of light industrial, STEM and creative & marketing jobs.
Oct 15, 2015 | Career Infographics
The secret to interview preparation turns out to be good preparation. It seems amazing given how much time people spend at work but only 1 in 10 people spend more than 2 hours preparing for a job interview. This can be used to your advantage. If you spend just 2 hours (one evening) preparing properly for a job interview it will give you a huge advantage.
Oct 14, 2015 | Career Infographics
Are you looking for a tech talent for your company? If you are not a techie, this process gets even harder. Check out this interesting infographic from Modis to get all the help you need for this strenuous process.
Oct 1, 2015 | Career Infographics
Nursing is one of the most popular fields in the healthcare industry, and with good reason. There are multiple levels of nursing from the LPN level all the way to the RN, each of which make a different annual salary. This is a field that has plenty of room for advancement and pay increases, but most importantly, it is a chance for you to make a significant difference in the lives of others.
Sep 22, 2015 | Career Infographics
The recruitment industry is one that’s evolving to take advantage of technology. These days, recruiters seek talent using the power of social media and the Internet. But, just how successful is online recruitment these days and what are the benefits for recruiters? Find out in this infographic by Ciphr.
Sep 14, 2015 | Career Infographics
If you see yourself in a career that involves a love of nature, grueling labor, unparalleled comradery, and pushing yourself to extremes, then this may be the job for you. A Wildland Firefighter is an expert at preventing, tackling, and extinguishing angry flames that attack our great outdoors. In this infographic are the steps required to begin your career as a Wildland Firefighter.
Sep 11, 2015 | Career Infographics
This infographic by Digivate illustrates 16 key SEO skills necessary for success at each key section or stage in your SEO career, from junior executive to Head of SEO. The score out of 10 provides an indication of the relative level of skill necessary at each level.
Sep 9, 2015 | Career Infographics
Does studying abroad really give as much output as it takes in for its input, or in financial terms, is it something that can promise us a good return on investment? The answer is Yes. This answer is backed by a recent study involving 135 human resource managers from 75 companies and is compiled in the following infographic.
Aug 24, 2015 | Career Infographics
More than four in five 2015 college graduates expect to earn $25,000 / €22,800 or more a year, but only two in five 2014 college graduates earned $25,000 / €22,800 or less a year. Only fifteen percent of college graduates want to work for large companies and twenty-seven percent consider social networking the best way to get a job. Learn more about graduate employment in this infographic.