Jun 18, 2013 | Career Infographics
We all fudge the facts sometimes; from how big the fish we caught was to how old we are. Fudging the facts on a resume is one of the most common ways people stretch the truth. However, before you stretch the truth, fudge some facts, or down right lie on the next resume you submit keep in mind that many employers are starting to spend more time looking, researching, and reviewing resumes.
Jun 10, 2013 | Career Infographics
Consider the type of factory assembly line work that no longer exists, and the millions of IT jobs that have taken their place – the kind of jobs no factory worker in the 1950s could ever have imagined. So if you are thinking about switching jobs, especially jobs in IT, this infographic by Staff.com is for you. According to their research, IT jobs have been fueling the economy worldwide. And it will continue to do so in decades to come.
Jun 5, 2013 | Career Infographics
Today’s workforce is constantly evolving. From Baby Boomers to Generation Y, hard working members of society have adapted new work styles which include more technical skills, remote working and social responsibility. Whether you have complete autonomy over your work schedule or no control whatsoever, we have seen new characteristics and thought processes from the hourly workforce – Generation Y specifically.
Jun 4, 2013 | Career Infographics
Ever catch yourself wondering what jobs in the future are going to be like for your kids? Ten years ago, people didn’t work as social media managers or UX designers, but sure enough these jobs exist today. With technology advancing at a breakneck speed every year, we presume that the job market is going to look drastically different ten years from now.
Jun 4, 2013 | Career Infographics
User Experience (UX) professionals are in high demand, but where is the best place for them to work? Check out the infographic below presented by Onward Search to view a full salary guide for UX jobs.
Jun 3, 2013 | Career Infographics
Negotiating your salary or raise can be a very nerve-racking process. Check out the infographic below presented by GradSchoolHub.com to learn how to negotiate the salary you deserve.
May 30, 2013 | Career Infographics
For years, a college degree has been the promised key to a wonderful life in America. But is that still true today? Children born in the 1980’s and 1990’s (known as Generation Y) have worked to earn their degrees in respective fields, yet almost half of them aren’t getting jobs. This leaves recent college grads with an average of $25,000 in debt each with no way to pay it off. Check out this infographic from Adecco to learn why Gen Y can’t get a job and what they can do about it.
May 29, 2013 | Career Infographics
The 20th century saw a massive loss of jobs in factories as machines replaced humans. The US economy moved to “services” and everyone was happy. Of course service jobs are not going to be replaced by machines are they? Think again!
May 8, 2013 | Career Infographics
Today’s students embark on internships during college to gain out-of-the-classroom experience prior to entering their industry. But did you know that the predecessor of today’s internship came to life in the 11th century? The interns of the past were apprentices seeking practical experience to grow their skill set in a trade, art, or calling.
May 2, 2013 | Career Infographics
From bad breath to text slang to dressing inappropriately; the team at RecruitmentRevolution.com spoke to more than 1700 recruiters to find out the most off-putting traits exhibited by prospective candidates. They are all detailed below in the following infographic.