Mar 11, 2021 | Career Infographics
If you have been thinking about a career in business management and accounting, acquiring the proper education is a great place to start. The Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Management and Accounting from a Business Career College prepares graduates for entry-level employment in various Business Administration settings and Accounting firms.
Mar 8, 2021 | Career Infographics
This infographic from the folks at presents a comprehensive list of the highest paying work from home jobs, where to look for jobs and telecommute-friendly companies.
Feb 18, 2021 | Career Infographics
The world needs a better way to combat the unconscious bias found in the hiring and recruitment of employees. But how? See how to make recruiting better using artificial intelligence, courtesy of ThisWay Global.
Feb 12, 2021 | Career Infographics
With student loan debt climbing, many people are beginning to look for careers that don’t require a college degree. But what are the options for good-paying jobs without a degree? Using data pulled from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Career Institute compiled a list of 80 jobs that don’t require a degree and have an average annual salary of more than $50,000.
Dec 8, 2020 | Career Infographics
Are you thinking about becoming a programmer but don’t know which programming language to choose? This infographic, courtesy of, will help you to decide which programming language you should you learn fin 2021.
Nov 16, 2020 | Career Infographics
Just because you have no work experience doesn’t mean you can’t land a great job. You very likely have skills and education that will translate well into many industries. Use this infographic to guide you through creating a resume showcasing your potential.
Nov 5, 2020 | Career Infographics
The Coronavirus outbreak has wrecked havoc the U.S. job market. Since President Donald Trump declared this global pandemic a national emergency in mid-March, over 30 million people have filed for jobless benefits for the first time. For those that are working from home, many are still struggling with the concept and find it a huge change that will require some effort to master.
Sep 15, 2020 | Career Infographics
The employment of nurse’s aides often referred to as “nursing assistants” is projected to grow by 9 percent from 2018 to 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Now is an opportune time to begin training in a nurse aide program. In this infographic, Training Direct looks at how the employment demand for nurse aides Is growing.
Sep 11, 2020 | Career Infographics
With the job market so saturated and competition for positions so high, job searching can feel especially stressful. Procrastinating is one of the biggest culprits of slowing down a job search — it feels like there’s so much to get done, so where do you even start? Why not look at your personality type and work backward from there? Resume Now has put together a visual guide to time management strategies.
Aug 3, 2020 | Career Infographics
Here is an infographic that shows the background, benefits and advice related to the surge in working from home. For many people, shifting to the home office has been the only available option, but for those ready to adjust it could be a blessing in disguise. It offers the individual more freedom and flexibility, employees working from home are more productive, and it can save time and money for everyone involved.
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