CDO: The New Seat In The C-Suite

All that data that gets generated on a daily basis is of no use if there’s no one to collect and analyze it. That’s why the Chief Data Officer, or CDO, is the hottest new seat in the c-suite. Learn more within this infographic from Semarchy.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Interviewing

Hiring and job hunting are longer, more tedious, and more life-consuming than ever before. The next time you go in for a job interview, will you be adequately prepared? Learn more about the latest interviewing advice within this infographic from Human Resources MBA.

Crypto Careers

Cryptocurrencies have erupted over the last 12 months. Central banks and government have been forced to take note of this emerging asset class. Regulation is surely coming but what this boom has resulted in and what the governments have overlooked, is the jobs the sector has created. Maybe your next job might be in the cryptocurrency field.

7 Tech Jobs that Didn’t Exit 20 Years Ago

The Digital Age has brought with it tech jobs that weren’t even being imagined in our parents’ generation. What are a few of the most popular, and how does one snag these contemporary careers? Learn more about these types of career opportunities in this infographic from King University Online-Information Technology Degree.

Debunking 5 Myths About Manufacturing Jobs

North America is experiencing a manufacturing renaissance and employers are hiring more people than ever before. But many positions remain unfilled and this gap will only grow over time as more baby boomers retire. To counter this trend, PLC Technician Training has created an infographic targeted towards young people debunking common myths about manufacturing jobs.

Women In The World Of Tech

The tech industry is booming, but why aren’t there more women in tech? Women now hold a lower share of computer science jobs than they did in the 1980s. The tech industry has expanded, but opportunities for women have only shrunk. Learn more about women in tech within this infographic.

Demand for BSN Nurses in Chicago

Although the employment numbers are strong, training and education standards for nurses are changing. “Although you can get an entry-level RN position with an associate degree or a diploma program, the industry standard is fast becoming a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree,” according to U.S. News. The following infographic is promoting the Online RN to BSN degree in Chicago and the surrounding area.

5 Fastest Growing Careers That Require a Graduate Degree

Earning a master’s degree is a big commitment. In addition to considering your interest, it could be important to look towards your future career. Why not match your strengths with BLS data about job growth and salary potential? The main factor in determining the top 5 fastest growing careers requiring a graduate degree is the employment outlook from 2016-2026.