How to Get Your Criminal Record

There are several reasons you may want to get your criminal record. First is for job purposes; that is to see what your employers can find on you. The second is to begin the process of cleaning your record or applying for an expungement. Lastly, you may want to request your record after an expungement, to make sure it no longer exists.

10 Biggest Verdicts of 2012

In 2012, there were some massive verdicts. The top 3 consisted of patent infringement litigation, and each of these 3 verdicts exceeded $1 billion. There were also several medical malpractice verdicts that occupied the top ten. Learn all about them in the following infographic from RD Legal Funding.

Where Do the Law Firm Billable Hours Go?

LexisNexis, makers of PC Law Software asked nearly 500 nationwide attorneys how much of their work day they actually bill. This infographic captures time and billing performance based on law firm size and state so that attorneys can understand how their firm’s stack up.

Free Men

Since the first time DNA evidence helped overturn a conviction in 1989, more than 300 people have been cleared of crimes they did not commit with the help of such evidence. Here is a look at cases where DNA evidence has helped overturn convictions of those awaiting execution on Death Row in the following infographic.

Quick Tips for Obtaining a Trademark

Are you actively protecting your brand with a federal trademark registration? Obtaining a federal trademark on your business or brand name is serious business. Many try to register these on their own and often fail (been there, done that). The following infographic from GerbenLaw is a guide for successfully navigating through the process of registering a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

What You Should Know About the Mirena IUD

A number of lawsuits have been filed by women who allege Bayer downplayed the seriousness of possible Mirena side effects. Plaintiffs in these lawsuits claim they experienced serious, and in some cases life-threatening Mirena complications after the device migrated from its original location, sometimes months or years after placement. Spontaneous device migration can lead to a myriad of problems, according to these lawsuits, including uterine perforations, uterine rupture, infection, scarring and adhesions, organ damage (if the IUD migrates outside of the uterus), and ectopic pregnancy.

TAPS Academy Works

The Teen and Police Service Academy’s (T.A.P.S. Academy) goal is to reduce the social distance between at-risk youth and law enforcement. This goal will be accomplished through learning, interaction and discussion between at-risk youth and the law enforcement personnel that serve their communities. The data provided displays information surveyed on effectiveness from the 2011 semester.

The Death Penalty in California

The death penalty in the state of California continues to be a major focus, due in part to the burden it places on tax payers. The California Innocence Project has created the following infographic which examines the facts, and the facts alone regarding this issue. Even though Proposition 34 did not pass in the most recent election, this issue will continue to be argued and remain a pressing issue, especially during difficult economic times.