What’s In Your Trash?

Americans generated more than 250 tons of garbage in 2010, and as much as 90% of waste can bypass the landfill through recycling and waste incineration. This infographic from Bolt Insurance covers some helpful information and will help you to visualize and retain this important information about what is in your trash.

Valentine’s Day Rocks or Sucks

When it comes to Valentine’s Day you either love it or hate it. Here are some reasons why Valentine’s Day rocks/sucks for both couples and singles. For couples you either love the whole production of the day or you feel pressured to be romantic and buy gifts. And if you’re single you either get together with your friends and celebrate SAD (Single Awareness Day) or you feel guilted and lonely by this forced commercial holiday.

One Isn’t the Loneliest Number This Valentine’s Day

Once all the New Year’s Eve celebrations are wrapped up, only one other day brings as much anxiety and awareness of singlehood – Valentine’s Day. February 14th is fast approaching, along with its endless stream of couples, roses, chocolates and hearts. But instead of wallowing in sorrow over being a party of one, take comfort in a new survey conducted by Pew Research. Turns out, more Americans are single than ever before. This infographic from CouponCabin takes a look at this research.

Finding Love in the Digital Age

With online dating being the third most popular way for singles to meet beyond friends and family in 2010 (according to Match.com), along with sex and intimacy drastically being affected by the Internet and the digital age,the Sexual Recovery Institute has used its expertise to capture this trending topic by creating an infographic.

Latino Earning Power

This infographic from H&R Block features some interesting data and statistics on the Latino community – their country or origin, what kind of careers they are working in, their buying power and more.

The Energy-Hungry House

In the last 50 years energy usage in an average American household has increased by nearly four times. This infographic takes a look at why there is such a big increase and where all the energy usage in households is going.

Obesity Around the World

The following infographic designed by InfoGlyphs takes and interesting look at obesity around the world and how it has worsened over the years. And who do you think are some of the “fattest” people on the planet? Without looking, the country’s initials are “US.”