The Energy-Hungry House

In the last 50 years energy usage in an average American household has increased by nearly four times. This infographic takes a look at why there is such a big increase and where all the energy usage in households is going.

Obesity Around the World

The following infographic designed by InfoGlyphs takes and interesting look at obesity around the world and how it has worsened over the years. And who do you think are some of the “fattest” people on the planet? Without looking, the country’s initials are “US.”

Hungry Kate: The Girl With A Belly Ache

This video from the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank explains how you can save the poverty-stricken from hunger. The video is a guide through the life of a fictional character, Kate, who represents the very situation in which many children find themselves when their parents lose their jobs. Even a small donation can provide many healthy meals to those in need.

Multitasking:This is Your Brain on Media

New reports find that multi-taskers are “lousy at everything that’s necessary for multi-tasking.” Considering the amount of time people spend with around-the-clock access to TV, the Internet and mobile devices, it’s not surprising. This infographic looks at the causes and effects of multi-tasking.

The Truth About Facebook Depression

This infographic does not necessarily convey the message that Facebook causes depression because there is no data to support it. Instead, it illustrates how we use Facebook to share our thoughts, feelings, and personal interests.

Geek vs Nerd

In the ongoing battle between geek and nerd, one must take sides. But how can this be done without a solid argument for both personas? It’s time to lay all the cards on the table to determine which is better and answer the question some fear to know: Are you a geek or a nerd? Decide with this neat infographic.