Jan 9, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
If you are planning on getting engaged or are already engaged, this Marriage Proposal Guide from Brilliance is for you. Read on to get the facts on planning a proposal, buying the engagement ring, and popping the big question.
Jan 9, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
New reports find that multi-taskers are “lousy at everything that’s necessary for multi-tasking.” Considering the amount of time people spend with around-the-clock access to TV, the Internet and mobile devices, it’s not surprising. This infographic looks at the causes and effects of multi-tasking.
Jan 6, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
This infographic does not necessarily convey the message that Facebook causes depression because there is no data to support it. Instead, it illustrates how we use Facebook to share our thoughts, feelings, and personal interests.
Jan 5, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
In the ongoing battle between geek and nerd, one must take sides. But how can this be done without a solid argument for both personas? It’s time to lay all the cards on the table to determine which is better and answer the question some fear to know: Are you a geek or a nerd? Decide with this neat infographic.
Jan 5, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
Face-to-face discussions are the foundation of human communication, and once established it allows us to build trust, clearly articulate our ideas and minimize misunderstanding. However, for many of us, face-to-face is a growing rarity, replaced by text messaging, Skype, e-mails, and social media.
Jan 4, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
SodaHead, an opinion-based site, has come out with an infographic that lists the best and worst reality shows of 2011, based on polling results.What do you think? Do you agree with the results?
Jan 4, 2012 | Lifestyle Infographics
This infographic provides you a quick overview of the purpose behind each step in a twelve step recovery program and the goal of working the steps. The 12 Steps have become the corner stone of recovery for the majority of those who are able to maintain sobriety over the span of years.
Dec 27, 2011 | Lifestyle Infographics
In this interesting infographic from Medical Billing and Coding, discover statistics on how much people eat in their lifetime, how much they drive, how much they sleep, and how many hours they spend doing other daily activities.
Dec 26, 2011 | Lifestyle Infographics
In addition to the Christmas and New Years holidays, this time of year also marks “Engagement Season” as more than 1/3 of all couples will get engaged between Thanksgiving and Valentines Day! This Infographic from Hearts On Fire provides some insight into the process of buying engagement rings.
Dec 26, 2011 | Lifestyle Infographics
This Infographic features some of the most bizarre Christmas traditions from around the world. Additionally it includes information about gift giving including some of the strangest gifts that have been given.