Make Boxing Your New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s resolutions are often difficult to stick to as we get distracted or overwhelmed and run out of time or motivation. Instead of setting firm resolutions, consider making a long-term goal with less pressure and more realistic goals. This infographic shows the benefits of choosing boxing as your objective and how to make it stick. 

20 Ways to Tie Your Shoes

Did you know you can lace your sneakers in different ways? There are many different designs and styles that can add a little fun and personality to your kicks. This infographic shows 20 different ways that shoes can be laced ranging from fun patterns to helpful techniques.

Cheater Cheated

Who’s more likely to cheat – men or women? Twenty-one percent of men, compared to 13 percent of women, have admitted to cheating. On the other hand, 85 percent of women think cheating is always wrong, and only 75 percent of men think it’s always wrong.

Top 20 Countries That Eat the Most and Least Protein Per Capita

Proteins are often referred to as the most essential building blocks of life. In fact, protein plays a crucial role in every aspect of living, from digestion, immune response, and communication between brain cells, to regulating hormones and building tissue. This infographic explores how countries around the world consume protein.

The Ultimate Mother’s Day Guide

In the following infographic, discover facts about Mother’s Day in Australia as well as general information and trivia you probably don’t know about Mother’s Day, including advice on what to get your mom for Mother’s Day, what gifts moms like receiving the most and which ones they hate getting from this ultimate guide on Mother’s Day.

5 Different Ways Mother’s Day is Celebrated Around the World

Mother’s Day is an opportunity to show our dear mothers just how much they mean to us. While the giving of Mothers Day Gifts is commonplace across many countries around the world, there are some unique  ways in which the day is celebrated among different cultures. The following infographic examines 5 different ways that Mother’s Day is celebrated and the origin of the day in each of these countries.

The Power of Storytelling

Each of us has a powerful story to tell, but many don’t believe we have the tools and skills to follow through. Unlock your greatness and learn more about the power of telling your story in the following infographic.

How Alcohol Affects Your Reaction Time

From the moment you have that initial beverage, alcohol starts to have an effect on your mind and body. You might not recognize it initially. In fact, lots of people do not identify how quickly a few drinks can affect they way they think as well as their mobility. Here is an infographic that looks at how alcohol affects your reaction time.

42 Good Things That Happened in 2020

2020 was a tough year for so many, so finding the silver lining is a must to keep a positive outlook. Here is a list from AAA State of Play of 42 fantastic things that happened for the environment, medical research, the animal world, oceans and more, including finding water on the moon.