Accessorize Your Yoga Wear
Here is an all-inclusive guide to wearing yoga pants all day long. From choosing the right styles to dressing them up with accessories, this guide has it all. And it’s pretty to look at too.
Here is an all-inclusive guide to wearing yoga pants all day long. From choosing the right styles to dressing them up with accessories, this guide has it all. And it’s pretty to look at too.
Many famous authors throughout history have written under a pseudonym. For matters personal, political or promotional – some of the greatest literary works have been written by an author with a secret. How many have you read? Discover a few of them in this infographic.
Parents are a special kind of superhero; they are equipped with love, tireless dedication, and an uncanny knack for their children’s well-being. This infographic is a silly, playful exploration of the 11 everyday superpowers that parents have compared to famous faces like Batman and Captain America.
Success…something we all want to achieve in the workplace. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or are working your way up the ranks as an employee, one this is for certain, however, and that is that a lack of sleep can cause exceptionally low productivity levels. As such, have put together this infographic which looks at how you can sleep your way to success.
Warm summer weather is brilliant, but it’s not so good when you’re trying to get to sleep at night. Sleeping in warm weather is incredibly uncomfortable and can mean you don’t get the sleep you need. This infographic lists 16 ways you can keep cool when sleeping so you can get a better night’s rest.
Snacking at work doesn’t have to be unhealthy. Keeping heart-healthy, wholesome snacks nearby will help your employees feel and perform their best. Your staff will be driven in ways you’ve never seen before by doing something as simple as ordering a fresh fruit box for the break room on a regular basis. Check out this infographic to gain a better understanding of how fruit compares to vending machine items.
Historically, riots have left us with more questions than answers and continue to divide the population. Why does this happen? What is the breaking point that turns a peaceful demonstration into a violent situation? What are the causes and consequences of rioting? Can they be predicted or prevented? The misinformation that often accompanies rioting only makes these questions more difficult to answer.
Everyone who writes books, creates articles for blogs, or distributes content on the Web understands how much a workplace can influence creativity and productivity. Organizing a workplace can become a real challenge, especially when you don’t know or understand all nuances to keep in mind. Your writing cabinet organization becomes easier with this cheat sheet.
This infographic details how to check and identify bed bugs when traveling. Whether you’re staying in a hotel or renting a car, understanding how to identify and locate these sneaky pests will save you a lot of headaches and anxiety down the line. Checking around areas such as the bed, dressers, curtains, sheets and inside of rental car trunks and tires can help uncover any possible bed bug infestations, which may be happening right under your nose.