What to Expect When You are Growing a Beard

There are a numerous amount of common and uncommon things that you can expect when growing a PROPER beard. So if you’re serious about changing your appearance and coming over to the side of the bearded, the following infographic will make sure that you are well prepared.

Drugs and Money: The Costs of Addiction

Chances are that you know someone who currently struggling, or has struggled, with addiction. Best Masters in Counseling has created an infographic detailing some of the statistics behind addiction, along with the costs and benefits of treatment.

Swimwear That Suits

Shopping for the perfect swimsuit can oftentimes be tough, but once you know what bathing suits work for your body type, you’ll find the most flattering swimsuit in no time. This infographic from Hot Beauty Health very beautifully focuses on the common body shapes of women.

Workplace Zen & Job Stress Management

Ever wonder what jobs are the most stressful, and which jobs are the least? Still trying to tackle that list of to-dos at your desk? In this infographic, discover how to use Feng Shui to make your workplace more tolerable, learn which snacks are great for easing the stress of the day, and change your outlook on your job.

Footsie at the Footie

This infographic explores the popularity of going to a football match on a first date, with statistics revealing how men and women, and fans from various clubs, feel differently about the idea. It also depicts match-goers’ preferred companions, from partners to parents, along with the potential long-term damage to your wallet versus a more traditional ‘meal out and a West End show’ date night. No prizes for guessing which one will leave you wincing.

The 7 Deadly Sleep Depriving Monsters

Carpetright have identified the 7 deadly sleep depriving monsters from their continued research on dreams and sleep habits in the UK. Follow the fun animated infographic to discover the troublesome monsters that are keeping you awake at night. From the familiar snore monster in the household keeping everyone awake, to the greedy snack monster leading you to the kitchen at the early hours of the morning.

Top Cities for Young Professionals and Families

Chances are, if you’ve come this far, you are reasonably sure about what you want to do with your life vocationally. However, one thing you may have not considered is where you want to do it. Selecting a place to live and start your career is one of the biggest decisions you can make. Choosing wisely can affect your quality of life significantly, as well as ease the way for subsequent decisions, such as purchasing a home or starting a family.

Fashion Rules For 2014

This infographic titled ‘Fashion Rules For 2014’ has been created with the big idea highlighting affordable and trendy fashion for 2014. Everybody wants to look chic and we all like to follow the latest trends. This will not only talk about whats hot in 2014 but will also show how to get that look without burning a hole in your pocket.