The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for LinkedIn Ad Types

LinkedIn marketing has many advantages that make it stand out. Depending on your marketing goals, these ads can serve your business by attracting customers. LinkedIn offers many unique benefits over other networks. In this infographic, TechWyse has put together the ultimate cheat sheet for LinkedIn ad types. 

13 Cool Tips to Increase Snapchat Conversion Rates

What started as a mere multimedia messaging app, is now a globally acclaimed business app. Undeniably, its growth has been noteworthy, and now marketers are using it to grow their businesses.  Knowing that Snapchat is now a business app is not enough. Here is an infographic that features 13 tips to increase Snapchat conversion rates.

Social Media Image Sizes – 2020 Cheat Sheet

With the rapidly changing nature of social media, image sizes go hand-in-hand with this movement. It’s important to keep up with what dimensions are supported by each platform, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube as well as blogging sites. This infographic showcases the different dimensions required by each social media giant.

New Year Resolutions for B2B Marketers in 2020

2020 is here! Now is the ideal moment to reflect on business goals for the new year and brainstorm some great achievable tactics to meet and exceed them. If you are looking for some ideas or inspiration, check out the collection of resolutions in this infographic courtesy of TD Insights. 

10 Ideas to Spend Remaining Marketing Budget Wisely

Sometimes, even after a good year of planning, you may find yourself with leftover budgets. If you have not fully utilized your remaining marketing budget, it is the right time to allocate it productively so it contributes to your organization’s growth. This Infographic provides 10 ideas to spend your remaining marketing budget wisely.

Video Marketing Statistics for 2020

The video marketing landscape only gets louder each year. Almost every marketer has put video at its forefront marketing strategy. With nearly one million video content uploaded to the internet every second, how does your video have a chance of standing out?

Retargeting Statistics Every Marketer Should Know

Did you know it takes 6 visits on average for customers to purchase online? How about the fact that only 2% of shoppers convert on their first visit to an online store according to Adroll? What can be done to try and capture some of those 98% of site visitors who do not convert the first time? Here enters  a marketing strategy referred to as “Retargeting.” In fact, 33 percent of the global companies are utilizing Retargeting in their marketing strategies.

Logo Trends 2020

In the following infographic, Logaster lays out their forecast of the hottest logo design trends that will impact the design industry in 2020.