Why Are People So Bad At Pitching?
Pitching to the media isn’t an easy job. Why are many so bad at making the pitch? Learn how to do it the right way from this infographic developed by NowSourcing.
Pitching to the media isn’t an easy job. Why are many so bad at making the pitch? Learn how to do it the right way from this infographic developed by NowSourcing.
Real estate agents try countless marketing ideas to help grow their businesses, yet they continue to invest in expensive, low-yielding channels. They are making poor marketing investments because they’re trying to reach the wrong audience. Here is an infographic that looks at three ways real estate agents fail at marketing.
Here is a short video infographic about infographics. It provides an over all analysis of what attracts people to infographics and why they are so useful.
With Instagram making it easier and easier for businesses to do mobile marketing, it’s hard to know where to start. Do you need a business account? What are sponsored ads? What kinds of pictures should you be posting about? TechWyse has compiled a list of the 10 things all new business Instagram accounts should do from day one.
The number of consumers who prefer a mobile-friendly site is increasing everyday accounting to a 30% of website traffic coming from mobile devices. So, why not give the customers what they want? Responsive web design is the best option to deliver mobile friendly experiences. In fact, responsive web design has taken a whole new dimension over the last few years and 2014 is truly the year of responsive web design.
The creation of every website follows a clear web design process. A client who understands the basics of this process will appreciate what happens at each stage, will be clear about when the process can easily change direction and can communicate more knowledgeably with the web agency. Also, the more they know, the more the information provided by the web design team in their updates will make sense and prove more useful.
Here is a guide and social media cheat sheet on the best times to post on social media, the biggest communities, and the words to use in your social updates.
A growth hacker is likened to a product given from the chemical reaction of two elements; marketing and engineering. They are like a super-mutant of the Internet era. Instead of traditional marketing, which typically breaks the continuity of your day, a growth hacker understands user behavior to persuade, through the value it immediately provides.
The following content marketing framework recognizes that content marketing is not a replacement for link building and that different activities can have different goals which means they have different measures of success and time frames within which to achieve that success.
Improving Alexa Ranking can be beneficial to your site, at least according to Siteber who created the following infographic, “Top Ten Ways to Increase Alexa Ranking.” Those benefits including increase in traffics, conversion rate, website ranking, and many others.