The Life of A Dairy Cow

Many people are surprised to learn that nearly all cows used for milk are born with tissue that will develop into horns. But that’s just one of many secrets that farmers in the dairy industry keep from consumers. Want to learn more? Check out the infographic below from PETA for a glimpse at what life is like for cows on dairy farms.

Bringing Down the House

Everyone wants to win big when it comes to gambling. But some people would rather cheat their way to the top. Cheating in casinos has been going on for years, and still does to this day. However, it’s a lot harder to get away with it now. This infographic presented by highlights some of the most famous casino cheaters in history and what tricks and gadgets they used to cheat their way to a win.

Swimming Pools vs. The Ocean: Which Is Safer?

Swimming and other water sports are popular in the United States. Not only does swimming provide a fun, recreational activity–it’s also a great form of exercise. Unfortunately, being near the water can also be deadly. Drowning is the fifth leading cause of accidental death. If you’re going to go near the water, be sure to observe proper safety precautions.

Visual History of Cooper Black

You might not know it, but you’ve seen the Cooper Black font in use everywhere – in store-fronts, in magazines, on album covers and candy wrappers. This depression era novelty font gets around. And why wouldn’t it? It’s curvaceous and friendly, as the type designer who created this font said, “It’s a typeface for farsighted printers with nearsighted customers.”

The Curious Case of Crime in the Media

Crime Headlines vs. Reality—What does the local coverage of crime teach about the world around you? How do headlines compare to what the police are reporting to the public about crime in their city? To find out Simplisafe took a look at the news coverage of crime for one week in four major US cities.

Marijuana: Smoking vs Vaporizing

Everyone has their own view on marijuana. However, whether you partake in using the illegal substance or not, for the people that do, you might want to keep reading. Appearantly vaporizing marijuana is better for you than smoking. Check out this infographic presented by Weedmaps to learn more.

The Monetary Value of a Human Life

This infographic describes the various amounts that governments and companies are willing to spend in order to save a life, take a life, and to compensate for the loss of life. For example, did you know by the time a single inmate on death row in California is finally executed, $308 million would have been spent? These and other interesting facts below.

The Cost of Being Iron Man

Iron Man, like Batman, doesn’t actually possess super human powers, but instead uses his wealth to fund the state of the art gadgets, vehicles and weaponry which he uses to fight crime. The following infographic from MoneySupermarket takes a look at just how much fortune one would need to have to be Iron Man.

Zombie Attack! What You Need to Know

The zombie apocalypse has arrived, and now we need some folks to come along with their mighty boom-sticks and clear up all this mess. That’s where you come in. Below the infographic by offers a whole new range of zombie experience days, ready to train you for the inevitable zombie onslaught.

Doomsday Economy: The End Is Near!

In a time of apocalyptic predictions, where many believe that a major catastrophic event can happen any second, the demand for certain products has risen to a level that amazes even suppliers and manufacturers themselves. Shelter builders, survival kit makers, gun manufacturers, power generator suppliers and even movie producers, are some of the main business sectors that are making the most out of the current “doomsday economy”.