15 Parenting Styles You Should Be Aware Of

Which parenting style do you use? Are you an authoritarian parent or an authoritative one? A few years back this type of conversation was never heard of. Now days, it is required that you choose a particular style to nurture your children. The style or type of parenting should be such that it suits your family and your lifestyle.

How To Understand Child’s Psychology?

Every child has a unique personality and traits. Understanding your child’s psychology plays a crucial role in guiding and nurturing your child. A parent needs to be a good friend at times because it would encourage the child to have a pleasant interaction with them. Spending more time with kids can get the parents involved more their lives and create bonding experiences as well.

Kids Fire Safety Guide

We all need to be proactive when it comes to home fire safety and try to teach our children how to prevent and deal with home fires. This guide can be used as an education resource for both parents and teaches as it is easy to understand and covers most important aspects.

How to Encourage Kindness In Children

Kindness is contagious. Even a simple smile can brighten someones day and get passed to the next person. Imagine a world where good deeds and smiles gets passed to each person…. from mile to mile! This infographic from I See Me! looks at how to encourage...

Baby Fruit Size Comparison – Week By Week

Watching your little one grow throughout the pregnancy is a fun way to pass the nine long months. You may think that there is no other way to track the baby’s growth other than ultrasound scans. MomJunction has compiled this infographic to give you a fair idea of your growing baby week by week with easily recognizable fruits.

How To Stop Your Child From Whining?

Your child tends to whine for various reasons. Instead of asking your child to stop whining every time, you can try out different ways to deal with the whining in children. Let’s find out in this infographic from Mom Junction.

Creating a Child Friendly Floor Space

Children bring with them a whole set of complications you need to consider when trying to create the perfect child friendly room, and these problems start at the floor. Remember this is a space you will be spending much of your child’s early years standing, sitting and lying on. It’s particularly important when you consider how vital tummy time is to a babies development and how much of their early years will be spent learning and playing on the floor you choose.