Feb 18, 2014 | Shopping Infographics
Over the years, the shopping experience has evolved along with the web. Today brands can no longer afford to ignore their customers. And as more and more customers shop online, it has become highly critical for brands to engage with their potential customers. Here MobStac provides a few interesting numbers that further drives in how social media is beginning to define the e-commerce sector.
Feb 12, 2014 | Shopping Infographics
The team at CouponsHD have looked through the stats and read through previous posts to create the following infographic on the amount of money that is spent on Valentines Day in Australia. The numbers may astound you.
Feb 11, 2014 | Shopping Infographics
Today’s consumers want more than an in-store experience online. Retailers need to offer an increasing amount of item information from their suppliers to capture the sale. If not, their
Feb 3, 2014 | Shopping Infographics
Grocery stores employ psychological tricks to try get you to spend more. For example, many grocery stores place the most popular items in the center of the aisle. Do you wonder why? Check out the following infographic to learn their tricks of the trade.
Jan 3, 2014 | Shopping Infographics
Everyone has seen the newest trend in shopping; extreme couponing and buying in bulk. However, when it comes down to buying a year’s worth of toilet paper, is it worth it? Cheap Online Degrees has created an infographic listing the numbers behind price club enrollment, whether shopping in bulk is worth it, and where to steer clear when it comes to shopping in bulk.
Dec 24, 2013 | Shopping Infographics
This infographic takes at a look at how the cost of Christmas has changed in the 20 years that MBNA has been issuing credit cards. From mince pies to Christmas trees find out if men or women are the biggest spenders.
Dec 23, 2013 | Shopping Infographics
Advancements in technology are likely to cause this year’s holiday shopping season to look dramatically different from the past. As evidenced by Black Friday and Cyber Monday of this year, more than ever, shoppers are completing more of their holiday gift purchases online. In fact, for the first time, shoppers surveyed prior to the holiday shopping season expected the Internet to be their number one venue in which they would complete their holiday shopping.
Dec 16, 2013 | Shopping Infographics
How big of a part do mobile devices play on the biggest shopping weekend of the year? This infographic delves into some surprising stats from 2013 on the growth of mobile shopping.
Dec 16, 2013 | Shopping Infographics
Here is a detailed insight into what E-Commerce apps should do to capture a larger slice of the pie and how A/B testing is crucial in the process.
Dec 13, 2013 | Shopping Infographics
In 2013, about 141 million consumers hit the shops for deals over Thanksgiving weekend, with more of an emphasis on Thanksgiving Day shopping. What does this mean for Black Friday? This infographic delves into how Black Friday has transformed from one day to an extended weekend event.