Breaking Up Big Tech

In 2018, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google earned 68% of US GDP growth in combined revenues. 2 in 3 support the breakup of Big Tech, and Great Business Schools explains what we can do about it.

AI and the Future of Consumer Goods

The future of retail and consumer goods will be unlike anything ever seen. In fact, an estimated 95% of supply chain vendors will rely on AI by 2023. In the following infographic, describes the future of retail, specifically related to AI and consumer goods.

An Industry Comparison of Metrology

Metrology is the study of measurements, and it is used in a variety of different industries including engineering, aerospace, manufacturing, energy, and healthcare. In this infographic, courtesy of Metrology Parts, learn about how metrology is used across a multitude of different industries.

Is Nanotechnology The Future of Medicine

Ingestible capsules containing sensors, cameras, and more are already changing the face of medicine. Can nanotechnology take us to new levels of medical intervention? Learn more about the future of medicine with nanotech courtesy of this infographic from Best Health Degrees.

Do’s and Don’ts of PCI Data Storage

The payment card industry is no stranger to cyber criminals. That’s why there are strict standards on storing data, including restricting the storage of certain types of data. With the ever-evolving PCI-DSS mandates it is important for business owners and payment software developers to know their responsibilities and risk to protect cardholder data and keep their businesses competitive.

Biomimicry: Technology Inspired by Nature

The solutions nature have come up with to overcome the challenges of an ever-changing environment are so complex and so well thought out, that they’re inspiring new technologies. Check out this infographic to see the nature inspired innovations that will affect our everyday lives in the near future.