The Increase in Solar Panel Efficiency Over Time

Solar panel efficiency has grown quite a bit since the very first solar cells were created back in the 1880s. Back then, the solar cell efficiency was less than 1%, but today scientists are creating high-efficiency solar panels that can reach almost 50% efficiency. SolarPower.Guide has put together a timeline of solar cell technology and how far it has come since the 1800’s.

What is an NFT?

Here is an infographic that answers the question, “What is an NFT?” It describes what they are, when non-fungible-tokens where created, what they are used for, why are NFTs important, how to buy NFTs, and whether they are safe.

What is nopCommerce?

With the growing trend of online shopping, e-commerce platforms are combating it to take that number one spot. nopCommerce is one of those that is competing. It is an open-source CMS platform based on Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core framework and SQL Server backend database. Learn more about nopCommerce in this infographic.

Website Maintenance: The Multifold Aspects You Should Know

Webmasters spend a significant amount of time and money creating a dynamic site for their business. However, the work does not stop there as a web site will need to be maintained. Due to the technical challenges that can be experienced in maintaining a website, one should handle the procedure with extreme care and vigilance.

AWS vs Azure: Battle of the Cloud Giants

Cloud computing is on-demand access, via the internet, to computing resources. The two most popular cloud computing platforms are Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. In this infographic we will compare these two cloud giants and see which one is best for your business.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Explained

A Non-fungible token, also referred to as “NFT,” is a digital asset portraying real-world objects such as videos, music, art, in-game items, etc. What is the hype around NFTs? Here are the core details of NFTs in this helpful guide, courtesy of Zenesys.

Ecommerce Update: Technology & Trends in 2022 and Beyond

The COVID-19 global health crisis has pushed the limits of many industries like healthcare, education, entertainment, and even eCommerce. Many of these industries had to step up their game and adapt to a new digital setup. Work setups became remote, the healthcare industry offered telemedicine, and schools conducted online learning.

The Most Significant Events That Have Shaped the NFT Industry

NFT is the biggest hype today. People aren’t apathetic about it especially when it comes to millions of dollars. But before achieving such fame, let’s go to the past of NFT and identify what history it lived until it became today’s most discussed topic. In this infographic, look at the most significant events that have shaped the NFT industry.

Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Call Centers

Emerging tools designed to boost efficiency and customer engagement are gradually transforming the modern call center, helping redefine the customer experience. In this infographic, EB Call Center puts together quick statistics about the benefits of AI and its various applications in the call center industry to help you better understand the nature of this technology.