A History of the ATM

The Bankograph was created in 1962 and was the first attempt at mechanical banking technology. It was an automated cash deposit machine developed by Luther George Simjian. Check out the following infographic to learn more about the history of the ATM

Celebrating the Battery

Just imagine where the world would be without batteries! Having three grandkids and toys abounding, I always keep an ample supply of these power sources. With the recent “National Battery Day,” Batteries Plus has created an infographic for the event which provides some useful and historical data about batteries.

Top Engineering Achievements of 2012

As millions around the world sat glued to the stream of Felix Baumgartner jumping from the edge of space, how many of them marveled at the monumental engineering feat they were watching? Take a look at these top engineering achievements of 2012 in an infographic.

Are Computers Breaking Our Hearts?

In a recent study, 41 percent said that time spent on a computer is a cause for stress. Could this stress lead to problems in relationships? Check out this infographic presented by Crucial to see the effects of computers on stress levels and relationships.

The Post-PC Revolution

The post-PC revolution is here! Gone are the days of using a desktop PC to search for the nearest restaurant. Everything is going mobile these days. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the post-PC revolution.

The Technology of Toilets

Toilets are nothing new. About 2,800 years ago King Minos had the first flushing water closet ever recorded in history. Toilets have changed a lot since that time though. Check out this infographic presented by EmergencyPlumber.uk to learn about the past, present and future of the loo.

The Evolution of Content Consumption

The way people consume content on the internet is always changing. Some of the biggest changes over time have been when it comes to music and video. Check out the infographic below presented by Torchbrowser to see how content consumption has evolved over the years.

Destination Internet: How Mobile WiFi is Changing Our Travel Habits

Americans love connectivity. Even when traveling, we’re less inclined to set aside our laptops, tablets and other devices. As a result, free mobile WiFi access is becoming one of the most sought-after amenities on buses, trains and airplanes as well as at hotels and campgrounds. This infographic from SinglePoint shows how our need for connectivity is affecting the way we travel.

The Evolution of Ram & Processors

Have you ever been amazed by the pace at which computers increase in speed and processing power and yet keep getting cheaper? You’re not alone. Gordon Moore is famous for his observation that the number of transistors and integrated circuits in computer tends to double every two years or so. The following infographic outlines this phenomenon in the evolution of both ram and processors over the past four decades.

Cell Phone & Web: The Perfect Valentine’s Day Cupids

You know love is in the air when you start seeing Cupid cutouts and giant red hearts everywhere you go. And this may all be endearing and dazzling to some, but if you’ve just come to realize Valentine’s Day is a few sunsets away, you may not find the love fest decorations so lovely anymore. You may be stuck in a moment of anxiety just like Tommy, our hero.