The Most Dangerous States for Boating Deaths

Boating is a fun pastime that gets people outside and on the water for fresh air and exercise. Unfortunately, boating can come with a lot of risks. The team at SI Yachts maps out the most dangerous states in the country based on the number of boating deaths per boating registration.

The Deadliest U.S. Counties for Drowsy Driving-Related Fatalities

Every year, drowsy driving is one of the leading causes of driving-related deaths. Many people are on long drives and get drowsy while others get behind the wheel in a less than alert state and despite good intentions, they cause an accident. The team at Naplab has created the following visual which displays the counties with the highest percentage of drowsy driving fatalities relative to the population.

What Is The Best State In the U.S. For Boating?

The team at have created the following infographic for boaters and travelers which ranks every U.S. State by how boater-friendly it is. They used a long list of criteria to determine this ranking, including data on weather, coastline, number of marinas, number of licensed boats in the state, etc. The results offer a nice variety, representing states in regions all over the country.

Which U.S. County Has the Highest Traffic Fatalities?

Car accidents ending in death are all too common in the United States. That’s why this so infographic is important work that gives illumination data about which locations have the most dangerous roads. The results are divided by population density per location, which can have a large impact on the frequency of deadly accidents.

Arkansas Car Crash Statistics

While there are many reasons people might get in a car accident, the following infographic below states some of the data behind why it happens and what to do in the aftermath. One of the most important steps is finding an experienced car accident lawyer to ease the burden off of your shoulders.