Jun 21, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
Did you know that there are about than 30,000 parts to your automobile? This infographic some of the most important parts and accessories in both the exterior and interior of your car. Additionally, it gives you great insight into each part and you will even discover some fun trivia about the clutch, tail light, and radio/music player.
Jun 12, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
Being comfortable while driving is one of the best ways of preventing a car accident. According to a study from the U.K., 3,000 car accidents are caused by sun glare, which is why modern car companies have come up with the idea of introducing Nano-tinting technology. Not only that it will protect you, but also it will upgrade your cars look and efficiency.
May 28, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
With over 50 different warning lights that can appear on a car’s dashboard, drivers may be confused when they see a lit symbol they don’t recognize. This infographic shares the meaning to 52 of these dashboard lights and aims to put drivers at ease by helping them to recognize which ones need immediate attention, and which ones can wait.
May 17, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
Having the vehicle become a movie’s lasting icon is not a common occurrence but has happened several times over the past few decades. Batman would not be the same without his Batmobile, and audiences felt like they were on the Griswolds’ memorable vacation in the family’s Wagon Queen Family Truckster. The following infographic looks at some of the most memorable movie cars.
Apr 24, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
A sudden dip of the prices of digital imaging solutions occurred possibly because of the innovations that makes their production much more cost-efficient. This is evident in CMOS or Complementary Metal-Oxide Superconductor image sensors that are very popular in the market because they are cheaper than the CCD or Charge-Coupled Device image sensors that were predominant before.
Apr 15, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
For most car owners, car maintenance isn’t intuitive. It takes some general knowledge of all the car parts that are susceptible to wear and tear. Every car is different as well, and your car may have very different needs depending on the model and your driving habits. That’s why the team at Gateway Ford Lincoln have created this car service checklist to give car owners an easy reference to save time, money, and to increase the lifespan of your automobile.
Apr 5, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
As a driver, you may have experienced the frustration of potholes in the roadways. And when they are not fixed, they can cause damage to your vehicle. Potholes develop because water seeps into a crack in the asphalt, and when the temperature changes, the water freezes and expands resulting in the breakdown of asphalt. Learn more about the mystery of potholes in this infographic.
Apr 4, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
When it comes to DIY car repairs, they can come off a little intimidating. However, there are several car repair projects anyone can do. From air filter replacement to the common oil change, there are a number of repairs to consider doing yourself before taking your vehicle in to the professionals. With the use of this helpful DIY car repairs guide, you’ll learn the timeline on when certain parts need to be replaced and more.
Mar 28, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
American commuting statistics can certainly be disheartening, with a large majority of workers in the United States having to rely on their cars to get to work. However, in some cities, the transportation situation is much better than in others. This infographic takes a look at the top cities across America with the highest percentages of walking, biking, and public-transportation-using workers
Mar 20, 2019 | Transportation Infographics
The revenue that cities earn from parking tickets is meant to fund transportation projects and fix crumbling infrastructure. But with some cities in the United States starting to privatize their parking meters, will that revenue continue to benefit the public? This infographic ranks 25 major U.S. cities on their parking ticket revenue per capita.