SITA 2015 Baggage Report: Lost Luggage

With new technologies coming out all the time, airlines are making strides in improving luggage handling According to SITA. Comparing 2007 to 2014, there has been a significant drop on lost luggage. It should only get better as process and technology get better. We can worry a lot less when checking in our luggage.

R&R and RVing

RVing is becoming very popular way to rest, relax and travel. Shipments of RVs are at an all time high and via the following infographic by you can learn why Americans are motivated to RV.

Why Culture Shock is Good for You

Everybody who has ever traveled into another country knows what culture shock is. It can be hard, but it is actually a good thing. Discover why in this interesting infographic from Work the World.

Johannesburg Versus Cape Town

Did you know that there is a friendly rivalry between Cape Town and Johannesburg? You can discover everything about it in this infographic by Decide which one of them you want to visit.

Take a Break! Use Your Vacation Time

CityPASS found all the stats and benefits to taking your vacation days and put it into a fun infographic. For benefits to your health, take your vacations to go on vacations, not to run errands or go to the doctor – though that’s important too. Vacations are great for getting rid of stress, and that alone has more health benefits than you might think.