Apr 22, 2019 | Travel Infographics
While traveling and staying in hotels, bringing home additional travelers is a real concern. All it takes to bring bed bugs back to your home from traveling is having bed bugs come in contact with your clothes or luggage. In this infographic, the folks at Natural State Pest Control outline some easy tips to avoid bringing back bed bugs while traveling.
Apr 10, 2019 | Travel Infographics
Traveling for business is an effective tool to expand your market reach as well as forge formidable relationships with your business partners around the globe. However, to ensure the success of your trip, you need to plan it thoroughly. Business traveling is not always an easy task, as you will face some health and safety issues while on the road.
Mar 12, 2019 | Travel Infographics
First impressions matter. This is even more in the hospitality industry. Hotels need to try to give the best first impression possible so that their guests will not only come back but recommend others to come as well. Areas to look at improving your hotel’s appeal include its online presence, exterior, staff, lobby, gym, and the quality of guest rooms.
Feb 18, 2019 | Travel Infographics
Embarking on an iconic road trip could add a few hours to your trip, but it will be well worth it. Surrounding yourself with gorgeous scenery breaks through the clutter in your mind. You may feel powerful emotions, think new thoughts, and even become more in tune with yourself. Awe-inspiring views, historic markers, and even good eats pave the way to wherever you’re going — you just have to know how to find them.
Feb 12, 2019 | Travel Infographics
One of the largest cruise ships in the world, Oasis of the Seas, arrived in December 2009 and along with her sister ship, Allure of the Seas (due this year), the team at Iglu Cruise have created the following infographic which looks at how enormous cruise ships are these days and the kind of consumption that takes place on board.
Nov 21, 2018 | Travel Infographics
London vs Paris, a battle that will never end. Both the cities are simply fantastic and both of them home numerous iconic attractions. Besides the iconic tourist attraction, both these cities are diverse in terms of culture. If you are planning a holiday, but not sure of where to go, this infographic provides various facts that will help you decide where to go.
Sep 21, 2018 | Travel Infographics
Travelling solo for the first time can be very anxiety inducing. The thought of it can turn you off the idea entirely. But being prepared is just one of the best things you can do to get your solo travel journey off to a good start. The following infographic shares help tips that will make your travel experience a more pleasurable adventure that you will look fondly back on for years to come.
Sep 5, 2018 | Travel Infographics
Seeing more of the world is on most people’s bucket lists, but the expense attached limits most of us to just daydreaming about tropical destinations. Travelling doesn’t have to break the bank though. The tips and tricks contained in the following infographic will help you live out your adventures without making a huge dent in your bank balance.
Aug 13, 2018 | Travel Infographics
If you are anything like me, you loathe flying. Being cramped into small seats in a tube at 35,000 feet is no picnic! However, there are ways that you can avoid jet lag and that sluggish feeling you get following your flight. Take a look at the following infographic which details what you should be doing in preparation before your flight as well as exercises to do on the plane.
Aug 1, 2018 | Travel Infographics
Sometimes it just makes sense to fill up the car, pack a few bags and head out to the country. The good news is that, if you’re looking for a great road trip, the UK has some of the best scenery, gently winding roads and invigorating fresh air in the world. The team at OSV have created a useful infographic highlighting 6 of the best road trips around the UK.
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