Blossoms and chocolate are a delightful and traditional way to deliver magic to that special someone’s day. Cocoa is treasured and utilized all over the world – each country contributes their own unique, cultural flair to each recipe. For example, Japan infuses their chocolate with matcha powder while Sweden encases marzipan in buttery cocao.

From the ingredients to the way each delicacy is prepared, insight can be gathered about the culture, history, flavors, and tastes of the native people. So book a decadent escape on the Cocoa Caravan and try to imagine flavor and texture of each cocoa dessert in this infographic from Ava’s Flowers.

[Click image for full size version]

Cocoa Caravan: 49 Chocolate Treats From Around the World

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Irma Wallace

Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.