Countless articles and blogs are written at the beginning of a new year to predict the definitive trends that industry creatives should implement. You’ll see one blog claiming that a neutral color palette is key, while another insists on vivid splashes of color, both equally convincing in their explanation. What do most of these blogs lack? Raw data!
The experts at Shutterstock have crunched the numbers and tracked trending search queries to deliver the trends that they can assert are continuing to grow, based on sheer numbers. Due to their impressive database of top-notch images from the hottest modern photographers, Shutterstock packs this infographic with stunning and relevant examples to succinctly express how 2017 is going to look, feel, and sound.
Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.