In today’s world we face more distractions that ever. Whether it’s the constant ping of emails, instant messages, the call of the news or social media, there’s always something trying to grab hold of our attention. This constant distraction has had an unfortunate impact on most people’s productivity and focus. In fact, we’re so used to being distracted that our brains have been rewired to actually crave distraction. Is there a cure for this modern ailment?
In his book “Deep Work”, Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown, Cal Newport, says that learning to “work deeply” is the answer. Deep work is where you enter a state of increased focus and productivity, also known as “flow”.
In this infographic, Inspiration Bites take a look at some of the main takeaways from “Deep Work” and how you can use it to increase your productivity and focus.
Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.