Let’s face facts…none of us get enough sleep.  A great night’s sleep is intrinsic to our overall health, and enables us to have the energy we need throughout the day to be effective at our jobs.  The factors that contribute to a lack of quality sleep are legion but include; our daily routine, habits prior to bed, and our lifestyle in general (what you eat, drink, how often you sit, exercise, etc.).

With this infographic, How We Sleep Better, Cuddledown addresses some of the most common questions such as, “what sleep position is the best to reduce snoring?” and, “my partner has acid reflux that keeps both of us awake, are there any solutions for us?”  So whether you sleep like a Soldier or a Yearner, solo or with a partner, they’ve provided you with a few solutions that should help vastly improve your quality of sleep.

How We Sleep Better

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Irma Wallace

Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.