The five major meat producing countries, namely, China, USA, Brazil, France and Germany along with the minor ones, are not being able to meet the growing demand for meat. Statistics show that the average per capita consumption of meat worldwide is 42 kg.
The antibiotics used for livestock farming are beginning to prove hazardous to human health. Diseases like swine flu and bird flu are taking epidemic forms every now and then too. The recorded stats say that there occur 2.7 million human deaths every year due to diseases from animals. Besides, livestock farming is not environment friendly. It uses a lot of energy and causes deforestation, air pollution and land degradation.
This is the point at which we look at artificial meat. Artificial or lab grown meat uses 55% of less energy, causes 95% less greenhouse gas emission and uses 98% less land for the work. The world’s first artificial meat burger was tasted in London on august 2013. Learn more facts about artificial meat in this infographic.
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Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.