12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

This infographic from BGS shows the dangers there are with texting and driving. Texting while driving has become more dangerous than drinking and driving yet not one is talking about how much more deadly texting while driving is. Hopefully this infographic will help to raise awareness of this important issue and get people to think twice about texting the next time they are behind the wheel.

The Future of Input Technology

The Future of Input Technology

In order for technology to meet the ever-changing needs of the end-user, it’s important to know what technology is available, how it’s evolving and where it can be best put to use to ensure that user experiences are continuously improved. This infographic from andersDX shows how technology is currently changing our lives (whether we know it or not) and what we can expect to see introducing to daily life in the near future.

The Business Of Healthcare

The Business Of Healthcare

Healthcare costs are spiraling out of control, but where does this unprecedented amount of spending go? In this infographic from Best Healthcare MBA, see how your healthcare dollars are spent and take a look at the profits of some key players behind the healthcare scene.

Is Social Media Bad For Your Phone

Is Social Media Bad For Your Phone

The vast majority of us use social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest on a daily, and in many cases, hourly basis. However, few stop to think about the negative impacts that this social media usage has on both our phones and our lives. liGo takes a look at some of the most interesting statistics surrounding social media and mobile phone usage in the following infographic.

Financing Alternatives for Businesses

Financing Alternatives for Businesses

The following infographic explains other creative financing options for businesses than bank loans such as invoice factoring, merchant cash advances, and equipment leasing financing.

The Psychology of Hazing

Hazing has been around for many years, and even though there are laws to protect people from hazing it still exists, and will continue to exist for a while. This infographic presented by BestSchoolCounselingDegrees.com takes a deeper look at the psychology behind hazing. Check it out below to learn more.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade of Facts

Every March 17, millions of people around the globe don the green and turn Irish. They might march in parades, wear shamrocks, gather in pubs or simply get rowdy in honor of St. Patrick, who died on that day in the year 461. Who is this figure anyway? St. Patrick is known for introduced Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century. Today, St. Patrick stands as a beloved figure in Ireland and as one of the world’s most popular saints.

The Lottery’s Biggest Winning Losers

Check out some of the most surprising facts about a few of the biggest lottery winners in history in this infographic from Casino.org. You just might want to reconsider once you see how some of the lottery’s biggest winners blew their fortune (or misfortune).

Fountain of Youth: 22 Ways To Live Longer

Since the beginning of time, man has searched far and wide for the fountain of youth. And while such a thing may not exist, science is honing in on the keys to slowing the aging process. If you plan to stay forever young, follow these 22 unusual tips from the folks at Confused.com to help maintain your vitality and vigor.

What We Think About Abortion

What We Think About Abortion

While a slim majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal in most cases, even a brief close-up examination of public opinion reveals a complicated and nuanced picture that exposes both political differences and semantic ones. Learn more in the folowing infographic by www.healthcare-administration-degree.net.

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

This infographic from BGS shows the dangers there are with texting and driving. Texting while driving has become more dangerous than drinking and driving yet not one is talking about how much more deadly texting while driving is. Hopefully this infographic will help to raise awareness of this important issue and get people to think twice about texting the next time they are behind the wheel.

The Future of Input Technology

The Future of Input Technology

In order for technology to meet the ever-changing needs of the end-user, it’s important to know what technology is available, how it’s evolving and where it can be best put to use to ensure that user experiences are continuously improved. This infographic from andersDX shows how technology is currently changing our lives (whether we know it or not) and what we can expect to see introducing to daily life in the near future.

The Business Of Healthcare

The Business Of Healthcare

Healthcare costs are spiraling out of control, but where does this unprecedented amount of spending go? In this infographic from Best Healthcare MBA, see how your healthcare dollars are spent and take a look at the profits of some key players behind the healthcare scene.

Is Social Media Bad For Your Phone

Is Social Media Bad For Your Phone

The vast majority of us use social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest on a daily, and in many cases, hourly basis. However, few stop to think about the negative impacts that this social media usage has on both our phones and our lives. liGo takes a look at some of the most interesting statistics surrounding social media and mobile phone usage in the following infographic.

Financing Alternatives for Businesses

Financing Alternatives for Businesses

The following infographic explains other creative financing options for businesses than bank loans such as invoice factoring, merchant cash advances, and equipment leasing financing.

The Psychology of Hazing

Hazing has been around for many years, and even though there are laws to protect people from hazing it still exists, and will continue to exist for a while. This infographic presented by BestSchoolCounselingDegrees.com takes a deeper look at the psychology behind hazing. Check it out below to learn more.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade of Facts

Every March 17, millions of people around the globe don the green and turn Irish. They might march in parades, wear shamrocks, gather in pubs or simply get rowdy in honor of St. Patrick, who died on that day in the year 461. Who is this figure anyway? St. Patrick is known for introduced Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century. Today, St. Patrick stands as a beloved figure in Ireland and as one of the world’s most popular saints.

The Lottery’s Biggest Winning Losers

Check out some of the most surprising facts about a few of the biggest lottery winners in history in this infographic from Casino.org. You just might want to reconsider once you see how some of the lottery’s biggest winners blew their fortune (or misfortune).

Fountain of Youth: 22 Ways To Live Longer

Since the beginning of time, man has searched far and wide for the fountain of youth. And while such a thing may not exist, science is honing in on the keys to slowing the aging process. If you plan to stay forever young, follow these 22 unusual tips from the folks at Confused.com to help maintain your vitality and vigor.

What We Think About Abortion

What We Think About Abortion

While a slim majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal in most cases, even a brief close-up examination of public opinion reveals a complicated and nuanced picture that exposes both political differences and semantic ones. Learn more in the folowing infographic by www.healthcare-administration-degree.net.