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The Biting Facts About Dog Bite Stats
Dogs are often considered “man’s best friend,” but what happens when these furry companions became ferocious foes? Every day, individuals fall victim to debilitating and unprovoked dog attacks. Even seemingly minor dog bites can cause serious complications or fatalities. There are 4.7 million people bitten by dogs each year, with 800,000 Americans that seek medical attention for dog bites each year. Learn more about dog biting statistics in this infographic by My Philadelphia Injury Lawyer.
Fuel-Saving Tips for a New Year
With rising fuel prices constantly in the news, many of us are concerned about how much it costs to run our cars. Luckily, there are some things you can do while driving to help make your car as fuel-efficient as possible and ultimately save you money. points them out in the following infographic.
Your Phobias Illustrated
A phobia is a fear of an object or situation that is often seen by most people other than the sufferer as irrational. Approximately 6 million Americans experience a phobia in one or more areas. Here, 40 of some of the most unusual phobias are defined and illustrated in an infographic..
Storing and Fueling the Gigantic Online Universe
The digital universe is doubling in size every two years. It currently hold 7.38 billion pages. Where is it all stored? Find out in the following infographic.
The Insider’s Guide to Getting a Job at Apple
Whether it’s a job designing the world’s next game-changing device or it’s a job selling Macs and iPads, working for Apple has its perks. Do you have what it takes? Find out in this infographic.
The Human Side of Healthcare
Believe it or not, every business has a human side to it, even healthcare. This infographic presented by takes a look at how healthcare professionals show their human side with patients. Check it out below to learn more about the human side of healthcare.
The Reign of Email
In case you haven’t heard it enough — email isn’t dead. Not only was email the most popular online activity of 2012, but it also has higher click-through rates, conversion rates and ROI than other channels. And this trend is only going to continue — 56% of marketers plan to increase their email marketing budgets this year, which makes email the leading source of marketing investments.
Things You Should Know About Olive Oil
At first glance, olive oil, a staple product found in many kitchens, seems to be a simple and well known item. After all, it has been around for thousands of years and its benefits have been touted by generations of farmers and companies big and small. Recently, however, the bland business of olive oil has taken on a new shine. Scientific analysis is confirming centuries of experience and explaining why olive oil, and especially extra virgin olive oil is so good for the human body.
Perceptions of Permission in Marketing
Perceptions of Permission in marketing is becoming an increasingly important topic as filters become stronger and easier to use, and government continues to regulate. The infographic shows the results from over 1,000 consumers and marketers on their feelings about Permission.
The Value of an MBA for Women
Forté Foundation, with How to MBA and UNC Kenan-Flagler, have examined how getting an MBA can dramatically impact women’s pay and position within their industry and organization. In addition, they highlight some of the top business schools that are creating programs and initiatives to better serve their female student body as well as profiling female executives who have received their MBA.
The Biting Facts About Dog Bite Stats
Dogs are often considered “man’s best friend,” but what happens when these furry companions became ferocious foes? Every day, individuals fall victim to debilitating and unprovoked dog attacks. Even seemingly minor dog bites can cause serious complications or fatalities. There are 4.7 million people bitten by dogs each year, with 800,000 Americans that seek medical attention for dog bites each year. Learn more about dog biting statistics in this infographic by My Philadelphia Injury Lawyer.
Fuel-Saving Tips for a New Year
With rising fuel prices constantly in the news, many of us are concerned about how much it costs to run our cars. Luckily, there are some things you can do while driving to help make your car as fuel-efficient as possible and ultimately save you money. points them out in the following infographic.
Your Phobias Illustrated
A phobia is a fear of an object or situation that is often seen by most people other than the sufferer as irrational. Approximately 6 million Americans experience a phobia in one or more areas. Here, 40 of some of the most unusual phobias are defined and illustrated in an infographic..
Storing and Fueling the Gigantic Online Universe
The digital universe is doubling in size every two years. It currently hold 7.38 billion pages. Where is it all stored? Find out in the following infographic.
The Insider’s Guide to Getting a Job at Apple
Whether it’s a job designing the world’s next game-changing device or it’s a job selling Macs and iPads, working for Apple has its perks. Do you have what it takes? Find out in this infographic.
The Human Side of Healthcare
Believe it or not, every business has a human side to it, even healthcare. This infographic presented by takes a look at how healthcare professionals show their human side with patients. Check it out below to learn more about the human side of healthcare.
The Reign of Email
In case you haven’t heard it enough — email isn’t dead. Not only was email the most popular online activity of 2012, but it also has higher click-through rates, conversion rates and ROI than other channels. And this trend is only going to continue — 56% of marketers plan to increase their email marketing budgets this year, which makes email the leading source of marketing investments.
Things You Should Know About Olive Oil
At first glance, olive oil, a staple product found in many kitchens, seems to be a simple and well known item. After all, it has been around for thousands of years and its benefits have been touted by generations of farmers and companies big and small. Recently, however, the bland business of olive oil has taken on a new shine. Scientific analysis is confirming centuries of experience and explaining why olive oil, and especially extra virgin olive oil is so good for the human body.
Perceptions of Permission in Marketing
Perceptions of Permission in marketing is becoming an increasingly important topic as filters become stronger and easier to use, and government continues to regulate. The infographic shows the results from over 1,000 consumers and marketers on their feelings about Permission.
The Value of an MBA for Women
Forté Foundation, with How to MBA and UNC Kenan-Flagler, have examined how getting an MBA can dramatically impact women’s pay and position within their industry and organization. In addition, they highlight some of the top business schools that are creating programs and initiatives to better serve their female student body as well as profiling female executives who have received their MBA.
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