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Where Do the Law Firm Billable Hours Go?
LexisNexis, makers of PC Law Software asked nearly 500 nationwide attorneys how much of their work day they actually bill. This infographic captures time and billing performance based on law firm size and state so that attorneys can understand how their firm’s stack up.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The term “life hack” refers to all skills, shortcuts and novelty methods employed to increase levels of productivity. One of the most basic and easy-to-master life hacks is learning your most useful keyboard shortcuts. You can do more than you might have guessed with just your keyboard! Using the mouse less often can reduce painful strain on joints, muscles and nerves. Take a look at some time-saving keyboard facts and shortcuts from MashGeek.
War and Peace: History
For nearly half of its relatively brief existence, the United States has been actively involved in armed conflict, whether at home or abroad. Here is a closer look at wars involving the U.S. military.
Who is the Better Driver, Men or Women?
The age-long battle of sexes has been often depicted in the pop culture. One of the best examples of this can be found in Irving Berlin’s song “I Can Do Anything Better Than You”. Because we couldn’t top his effort, we decided not to write a song about men and women. Instead we created this car infographic that will hopefully put an end to this endless battle of one of the most popular arguments, who are better drivers – men or women.
There is Always Something to Eat in the City That Never Sleeps
Foodborne illnesses are a major problem in the United States. Each year in the U.S. 76 million get sick from some type of foodborne illness. So it’s important that we have a way to rate restaurants so that customers know where to go and where to avoid according to how sanitary the restaurant is. Check out the infographic below from LetterGradeConsultants to learn about the letter grade system, specifically in NYC.
VPS Hosting vs. the Alternative
Virtual Private Servers – or “VPS” – divide up a single physical server into hundreds of mini-servers to offer complete separation between separate user accounts on the system. Each partition can run its own operating system and applications as if it were a separate individual device. This infographic from Aag Hosting provides additional information on VPS hosting and when it might be a right solution for you.
Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em: Top US Companies for Investors
Phillip Morris, Walmart, and Bank of America all have one thing in common: Americans say they hate them! That’s right, these are a few of the companies that many American’s dislike. However, they are great for investors. Check out the infographic from Great Business Schools to see more companies that American’s love or hate and that are good or bad for investors.
Hillary Clinton: A Political Legacy
Hillary Clinton left the post of Secretary of State on February 1 as the most popular US politician, sparking rumors that she may run for President in the 2016 election. While any prospective Presidential bids are up in the air, some would say that Hillary Clinton has left John Kerry with some big shoes to fill. NerdWallet offers a closer look at the former Secretary of State and her education, life history and political legacy.
10 Companies Helping Us To Live Longer Lives
Do you want to live longer? You should eat healthier, hit the gym, drink less, quit smoking, and reduce stress in your life. But even that may not be enough. You might need help from your families and friends. Best BSN to MSN Degree Programs shows us how these 10 companies are helping us live longer lives.
The Happy Secret to Better Work
What comes first? Success? Or happiness? Author Shawn Achor reveals some interesting data in his book, “The Happiness Advantage” and this infographic from Careertopia summarizes his findings.
Where Do the Law Firm Billable Hours Go?
LexisNexis, makers of PC Law Software asked nearly 500 nationwide attorneys how much of their work day they actually bill. This infographic captures time and billing performance based on law firm size and state so that attorneys can understand how their firm’s stack up.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The term “life hack” refers to all skills, shortcuts and novelty methods employed to increase levels of productivity. One of the most basic and easy-to-master life hacks is learning your most useful keyboard shortcuts. You can do more than you might have guessed with just your keyboard! Using the mouse less often can reduce painful strain on joints, muscles and nerves. Take a look at some time-saving keyboard facts and shortcuts from MashGeek.
War and Peace: History
For nearly half of its relatively brief existence, the United States has been actively involved in armed conflict, whether at home or abroad. Here is a closer look at wars involving the U.S. military.
Who is the Better Driver, Men or Women?
The age-long battle of sexes has been often depicted in the pop culture. One of the best examples of this can be found in Irving Berlin’s song “I Can Do Anything Better Than You”. Because we couldn’t top his effort, we decided not to write a song about men and women. Instead we created this car infographic that will hopefully put an end to this endless battle of one of the most popular arguments, who are better drivers – men or women.
There is Always Something to Eat in the City That Never Sleeps
Foodborne illnesses are a major problem in the United States. Each year in the U.S. 76 million get sick from some type of foodborne illness. So it’s important that we have a way to rate restaurants so that customers know where to go and where to avoid according to how sanitary the restaurant is. Check out the infographic below from LetterGradeConsultants to learn about the letter grade system, specifically in NYC.
VPS Hosting vs. the Alternative
Virtual Private Servers – or “VPS” – divide up a single physical server into hundreds of mini-servers to offer complete separation between separate user accounts on the system. Each partition can run its own operating system and applications as if it were a separate individual device. This infographic from Aag Hosting provides additional information on VPS hosting and when it might be a right solution for you.
Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em: Top US Companies for Investors
Phillip Morris, Walmart, and Bank of America all have one thing in common: Americans say they hate them! That’s right, these are a few of the companies that many American’s dislike. However, they are great for investors. Check out the infographic from Great Business Schools to see more companies that American’s love or hate and that are good or bad for investors.
Hillary Clinton: A Political Legacy
Hillary Clinton left the post of Secretary of State on February 1 as the most popular US politician, sparking rumors that she may run for President in the 2016 election. While any prospective Presidential bids are up in the air, some would say that Hillary Clinton has left John Kerry with some big shoes to fill. NerdWallet offers a closer look at the former Secretary of State and her education, life history and political legacy.
10 Companies Helping Us To Live Longer Lives
Do you want to live longer? You should eat healthier, hit the gym, drink less, quit smoking, and reduce stress in your life. But even that may not be enough. You might need help from your families and friends. Best BSN to MSN Degree Programs shows us how these 10 companies are helping us live longer lives.
The Happy Secret to Better Work
What comes first? Success? Or happiness? Author Shawn Achor reveals some interesting data in his book, “The Happiness Advantage” and this infographic from Careertopia summarizes his findings.
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