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Ignoring Heart Disease Won’t Lower Your Risk
Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in America. Each day an average of 2,200 people die from heart disease, while 56% of adults have been told by a health care professional to improve their health to lower their risk. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans are just not motivated to do anything about it. When the statistics show that 1 in 3 deaths in the United States are caused by heart disease, you have no other choice then to take this disease seriously before it is too late.
Nicotine – The Effects and Consequences
Nicotine is behind one of the most damaging habits in the United States: cigarette smoking. This addiction can have dire consequences not just for the user, but for those in close and frequent proximity to them. Approximately 1 in 4 teens become smokers, and 80% of those will continue to smoke into adulthood. Because of the long-standing perception that those who smoke are rebellious or “cool”, the severe consequences of cigarette addiction have not prevented teens from starting. Although Nicotine is the addictive element, it is the other 4800-odd chemicals in cigarettes that cause the worst effects.
Motorcycle Theft – Don’t Become A Statistic
If you own a motorbike or are thinking about getting one then you need to take a look at this infographic, which shows you just how at risk you might be from having that expensive purchase stolen. Have a look at these statistics and make sure that you don’t become one.
Business Card Design Psychology
This infographic by is about how to design your business card in such a way that it will achieve aesthetic value and message clarity. With the help of a few basic principles of design, anyone who reads this infographic will be able to fine-tune the color combination, define character and personality as well as create subtle visual suggestion using whitespace in designing.
How To Control Your Dreams
Have you ever wanted to write a blockbuster novel, or star in a film with your favorite actor? Occasionally our dreams allow us to do this but for total control you need to learn how to practice lucid dreaming. With the following helpful suggestions, you might turn those hours spent sleeping into something more productive.
A Taste of History: Sushi Then and Now
There’s almost nothing like good sushi. Sushi’s fascinating history is only rivaled by its delicious taste! Learn more about sushi’s evolution as well as some of today’s most popular rolls with this infographic from Mizuumi Buffet.
Google+: What’s In It for Business
Google+ is more than just Google’s answer to Facebook. It’s no longer the “ghost town” many have perceived it to be, with over 500 million users. Plus, there are a myriad of benefits of Google+ for business. Check out this infographic to learn 7 benefits your business could be reaping from Google+.
Robert Griffin III’s Knee Injury
On Jan. 6, millions of NFL fans saw one of the most-talked-about – and most-cringe-worthy – knee injuries in sports history. During a 2013 wild-card playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks, rookie Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III fell to the turf after twisting his right knee. Diagnosis: Serious damage to Griffin’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and medial meniscus.
Top 10 Social Media Sites That Failed
Social media is huge now, and everyone is familiar with Facebook, Twitter and even LinkedIn. But many people don’t remember or have already forgotten large social media sites of the past (and some present) that have utterly failed. This infographic developed by entitled “Top 10 Social Media Sites That Failed Totally” tells all.
What the Health? Understanding Obama’s 11 Year Plan for Health Reform
This health reform infographic from Clarity Way breaks down the Affordable Care Act in an effort to explain how it will affect each and every citizen, from small businesses to large ones, college students to parents, and senior citizens to the young. It’s important that you know about the Affordable Care Act and understand that if we had maintained our status-quo, over 14,000 Americans would lose their health insurance daily.
Ignoring Heart Disease Won’t Lower Your Risk
Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in America. Each day an average of 2,200 people die from heart disease, while 56% of adults have been told by a health care professional to improve their health to lower their risk. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans are just not motivated to do anything about it. When the statistics show that 1 in 3 deaths in the United States are caused by heart disease, you have no other choice then to take this disease seriously before it is too late.
Nicotine – The Effects and Consequences
Nicotine is behind one of the most damaging habits in the United States: cigarette smoking. This addiction can have dire consequences not just for the user, but for those in close and frequent proximity to them. Approximately 1 in 4 teens become smokers, and 80% of those will continue to smoke into adulthood. Because of the long-standing perception that those who smoke are rebellious or “cool”, the severe consequences of cigarette addiction have not prevented teens from starting. Although Nicotine is the addictive element, it is the other 4800-odd chemicals in cigarettes that cause the worst effects.
Motorcycle Theft – Don’t Become A Statistic
If you own a motorbike or are thinking about getting one then you need to take a look at this infographic, which shows you just how at risk you might be from having that expensive purchase stolen. Have a look at these statistics and make sure that you don’t become one.
Business Card Design Psychology
This infographic by is about how to design your business card in such a way that it will achieve aesthetic value and message clarity. With the help of a few basic principles of design, anyone who reads this infographic will be able to fine-tune the color combination, define character and personality as well as create subtle visual suggestion using whitespace in designing.
How To Control Your Dreams
Have you ever wanted to write a blockbuster novel, or star in a film with your favorite actor? Occasionally our dreams allow us to do this but for total control you need to learn how to practice lucid dreaming. With the following helpful suggestions, you might turn those hours spent sleeping into something more productive.
A Taste of History: Sushi Then and Now
There’s almost nothing like good sushi. Sushi’s fascinating history is only rivaled by its delicious taste! Learn more about sushi’s evolution as well as some of today’s most popular rolls with this infographic from Mizuumi Buffet.
Google+: What’s In It for Business
Google+ is more than just Google’s answer to Facebook. It’s no longer the “ghost town” many have perceived it to be, with over 500 million users. Plus, there are a myriad of benefits of Google+ for business. Check out this infographic to learn 7 benefits your business could be reaping from Google+.
Robert Griffin III’s Knee Injury
On Jan. 6, millions of NFL fans saw one of the most-talked-about – and most-cringe-worthy – knee injuries in sports history. During a 2013 wild-card playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks, rookie Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III fell to the turf after twisting his right knee. Diagnosis: Serious damage to Griffin’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and medial meniscus.
Top 10 Social Media Sites That Failed
Social media is huge now, and everyone is familiar with Facebook, Twitter and even LinkedIn. But many people don’t remember or have already forgotten large social media sites of the past (and some present) that have utterly failed. This infographic developed by entitled “Top 10 Social Media Sites That Failed Totally” tells all.
What the Health? Understanding Obama’s 11 Year Plan for Health Reform
This health reform infographic from Clarity Way breaks down the Affordable Care Act in an effort to explain how it will affect each and every citizen, from small businesses to large ones, college students to parents, and senior citizens to the young. It’s important that you know about the Affordable Care Act and understand that if we had maintained our status-quo, over 14,000 Americans would lose their health insurance daily.
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