12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Are Infant Reflux Drugs Worth the Risks?

The number of babies prescribed acid suppression drugs such as H2 blockers and PPIs grew 8-fold during 2002 to 2009, but fewer than 10% received any diagnostic testing for GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Some pediatricians are growing concerned that the “epidemic” of infant GERDcases is actually due to over-diagnosis, especially since clinical trials show acid blockers work no better than a placebo and can actually lead to short term and long term side effects. The FDA has not approved PPIs for treatment of GERD in children younger than one year. Learn more in the following infographic from Colic Calm.

Gadgets at Bedtime: Your Technology Is Keeping You Awake

Did you know that 95% of people say they browse the web, text or watch TV the hour before they go to bed? And while this facetime with a phone, tablet, laptop or TV can either be pleasurable or a distraction, it can also make it more difficult to go to sleep when you finally close your eyes.

What The U.K .Gets Up To At Christmas

Did you know that only just over half of the UK will be having Turkey for Christmas dinner? This Christmas themed infographic enlightens us all on all manner of food, drink and gift related things including just how much beer and wine is consumed in the UK over the holiday period.

Inbound Marketing: 5 Steps to Increase Traffic & Convert Leads into Customers

Traditional techniques such as advertisements, billboards, and cold calling can be costly and often ineffective, and they don’t always reach the people who are looking for your services. Inbound marketing instead focuses on targeted techniques such as content creation, search marketing, and social media that help potential buyers find your business when they are ready to buy.

Price Gouging: Not as Bad as You Think

After any natural disaster, victims are left to pick up the pieces and try their best just to get by day to day. This can sometimes mean traveling miles just for bare necessities. Not to mention, those bare necessities may cost a pretty penny. I’m talking about price gouging, and it happens a lot after natural disasters. However, it might not be as bad as you think.

Is Photography Dead? The Mobile Photo Explosion

The first permanent photograph was taken in 1826 and required eight hours of exposure. Since then photography has become second nature to most of us. We all seem to be photographers with our smartphones and photo filtering apps. This infographic highlights how photography has progressed over the years.

Dangers of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is becoming more and more common every day. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there are over 15 individuals killed as a result of distracted driving every day. This infographic provides a visual aid to the important facts, statistics, and dangers of distracted driving.

The Probability of Unusual Accidents

Many people fear falling from high places, getting into a car wreck or being the victim of another tragic accident. People also fear less common events, like getting struck by lightning. What are the odds that occurrences like that would happen? What are the chances that you’ll die from some of these unusual types of accidents? This infographic by Total Injury takes a look at a few of them.

The Hidden Costs of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an awesome day of food, friends and family and of course – football! However, this day of indulgence isn’t free. Whether it’s triple-digit calorie counts, rage-inducing airport delays or a big bill from the plumber on Black Friday, you may be spending more than you think on Thanksgiving. This infographic looks at the “hidden costs of Thanksgiving.”

Advantages of Bilingualism in the Workplace

Advantages of Bilingualism in the Workplace

The following infographic from Business Language Services shows that the ability to speak several languages is a great asset, not only in your day-to-day life, but it could also improve employ-ability and brain power.

Are Infant Reflux Drugs Worth the Risks?

The number of babies prescribed acid suppression drugs such as H2 blockers and PPIs grew 8-fold during 2002 to 2009, but fewer than 10% received any diagnostic testing for GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Some pediatricians are growing concerned that the “epidemic” of infant GERDcases is actually due to over-diagnosis, especially since clinical trials show acid blockers work no better than a placebo and can actually lead to short term and long term side effects. The FDA has not approved PPIs for treatment of GERD in children younger than one year. Learn more in the following infographic from Colic Calm.

Gadgets at Bedtime: Your Technology Is Keeping You Awake

Did you know that 95% of people say they browse the web, text or watch TV the hour before they go to bed? And while this facetime with a phone, tablet, laptop or TV can either be pleasurable or a distraction, it can also make it more difficult to go to sleep when you finally close your eyes.

What The U.K .Gets Up To At Christmas

Did you know that only just over half of the UK will be having Turkey for Christmas dinner? This Christmas themed infographic enlightens us all on all manner of food, drink and gift related things including just how much beer and wine is consumed in the UK over the holiday period.

Inbound Marketing: 5 Steps to Increase Traffic & Convert Leads into Customers

Traditional techniques such as advertisements, billboards, and cold calling can be costly and often ineffective, and they don’t always reach the people who are looking for your services. Inbound marketing instead focuses on targeted techniques such as content creation, search marketing, and social media that help potential buyers find your business when they are ready to buy.

Price Gouging: Not as Bad as You Think

After any natural disaster, victims are left to pick up the pieces and try their best just to get by day to day. This can sometimes mean traveling miles just for bare necessities. Not to mention, those bare necessities may cost a pretty penny. I’m talking about price gouging, and it happens a lot after natural disasters. However, it might not be as bad as you think.

Is Photography Dead? The Mobile Photo Explosion

The first permanent photograph was taken in 1826 and required eight hours of exposure. Since then photography has become second nature to most of us. We all seem to be photographers with our smartphones and photo filtering apps. This infographic highlights how photography has progressed over the years.

Dangers of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is becoming more and more common every day. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there are over 15 individuals killed as a result of distracted driving every day. This infographic provides a visual aid to the important facts, statistics, and dangers of distracted driving.

The Probability of Unusual Accidents

Many people fear falling from high places, getting into a car wreck or being the victim of another tragic accident. People also fear less common events, like getting struck by lightning. What are the odds that occurrences like that would happen? What are the chances that you’ll die from some of these unusual types of accidents? This infographic by Total Injury takes a look at a few of them.

The Hidden Costs of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an awesome day of food, friends and family and of course – football! However, this day of indulgence isn’t free. Whether it’s triple-digit calorie counts, rage-inducing airport delays or a big bill from the plumber on Black Friday, you may be spending more than you think on Thanksgiving. This infographic looks at the “hidden costs of Thanksgiving.”

Advantages of Bilingualism in the Workplace

Advantages of Bilingualism in the Workplace

The following infographic from Business Language Services shows that the ability to speak several languages is a great asset, not only in your day-to-day life, but it could also improve employ-ability and brain power.