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The Negative Effects of Second Hand Smoking
A “passive” smoker is someone who inhales the secondhand tobacco smoke generated by others. Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the residual smoke that comes from burning tobacco and the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Exposure to secondhand smoke is thought to be more harmful than smoking a cigarette directly for the same amount of time.
Cyber Monday & Black Friday’s Hacks & Scams
The following infographic shows how important security software is during Black Friday and Cyber Monday madness sales. It also shows how to avoid getting scammed from customer’s purchases online especially during Cyber Monday.
Women in Senate By the Numbers
1992 was deemed “The Year of the Woman” because there were 7 female Senators elected. Twenty years later, we have almost tripled that number. In fact, did you know that 20% of the 2013 Senate will be made up of women? NerdWallet explains why this election is historic and who these women are.
The Top 10 Britons Bad Sleep Habits
Here is an infographic about Britain’s bad sleeping habits. You’d be surprised to learn that snoring only ranks 3rd in the most common bedroom complaints! The biggest cause of complaint is in fact your partner holding on to the edge of the duvet and rolling away from the other leaving you in a cold bed.
Social Stereotypes: You Are What You Share
Imagine for a second that social media is the high school of the internet, and that each social site represents the infamous cliques in high school, such as the jocks, nerds, cheerleaders and so on. It makes sense, because when it comes to social media, each site has it’s own unique set of visitors and shared content. Check out this infographic presented by Wix to see where you fit into the social media high school.
App Store Optimization Tools
App Store Optimization is now defined as the new SEO, and more and more developers are looking for smart tools to do research the best way to optimize their apps and get effective ranking. This infographic tries to illustrate in an easy way, the best ASO tools in the market.
Entrepreneurs See Hope For The Economy
This infographic clearly shows how many business SMEs are optimistic about the future of their businesses in the next 12 months. SMEs from the UK, US, France, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands gave answers that underline the financial health of each individual country. As a whole, 48% of SMEs were positive about the coming year. Just over a quarter – 27% – were pessimistic.
Is Your Diet Toxic?
This infographic by shows how many people, even those who eat a ‘healthy diet’, could be consuming a cocktail of chemicals, toxins and other impurities every day. Learn some surprising, shocking, and often unsettling facts about our fresh produce and other foods we eat on a daily basis.
Traveling with Allergies
Holiday travel season is coming up soon, and if you have allergies or asthma, you know all too well that traveling isn’t always a joyful adventure. Sleeping in a hotel room full of allergens can quickly turn a fun trip into an itchy, sneezy, uncomfortable endurance test. Fortunately some hotel chains now offer “allergy-friendly” accommodations, and this infographic from Sylvane shows the highest rated hypoallergenic hotels and cities across the country. It also provides tips on what to look out for when traveling to minimize your risk of an allergy attack.
Sorry I’ve Got to Run
Running as a sport and the facilities that we compete on have come a long way over the years, from the open fields of the Greeks to the high-tech sports arenas of modern-day stadiums. The following infographic highlights some interesting facts about the sport and its history.
The Negative Effects of Second Hand Smoking
A “passive” smoker is someone who inhales the secondhand tobacco smoke generated by others. Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the residual smoke that comes from burning tobacco and the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Exposure to secondhand smoke is thought to be more harmful than smoking a cigarette directly for the same amount of time.
Cyber Monday & Black Friday’s Hacks & Scams
The following infographic shows how important security software is during Black Friday and Cyber Monday madness sales. It also shows how to avoid getting scammed from customer’s purchases online especially during Cyber Monday.
Women in Senate By the Numbers
1992 was deemed “The Year of the Woman” because there were 7 female Senators elected. Twenty years later, we have almost tripled that number. In fact, did you know that 20% of the 2013 Senate will be made up of women? NerdWallet explains why this election is historic and who these women are.
The Top 10 Britons Bad Sleep Habits
Here is an infographic about Britain’s bad sleeping habits. You’d be surprised to learn that snoring only ranks 3rd in the most common bedroom complaints! The biggest cause of complaint is in fact your partner holding on to the edge of the duvet and rolling away from the other leaving you in a cold bed.
Social Stereotypes: You Are What You Share
Imagine for a second that social media is the high school of the internet, and that each social site represents the infamous cliques in high school, such as the jocks, nerds, cheerleaders and so on. It makes sense, because when it comes to social media, each site has it’s own unique set of visitors and shared content. Check out this infographic presented by Wix to see where you fit into the social media high school.
App Store Optimization Tools
App Store Optimization is now defined as the new SEO, and more and more developers are looking for smart tools to do research the best way to optimize their apps and get effective ranking. This infographic tries to illustrate in an easy way, the best ASO tools in the market.
Entrepreneurs See Hope For The Economy
This infographic clearly shows how many business SMEs are optimistic about the future of their businesses in the next 12 months. SMEs from the UK, US, France, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands gave answers that underline the financial health of each individual country. As a whole, 48% of SMEs were positive about the coming year. Just over a quarter – 27% – were pessimistic.
Is Your Diet Toxic?
This infographic by shows how many people, even those who eat a ‘healthy diet’, could be consuming a cocktail of chemicals, toxins and other impurities every day. Learn some surprising, shocking, and often unsettling facts about our fresh produce and other foods we eat on a daily basis.
Traveling with Allergies
Holiday travel season is coming up soon, and if you have allergies or asthma, you know all too well that traveling isn’t always a joyful adventure. Sleeping in a hotel room full of allergens can quickly turn a fun trip into an itchy, sneezy, uncomfortable endurance test. Fortunately some hotel chains now offer “allergy-friendly” accommodations, and this infographic from Sylvane shows the highest rated hypoallergenic hotels and cities across the country. It also provides tips on what to look out for when traveling to minimize your risk of an allergy attack.
Sorry I’ve Got to Run
Running as a sport and the facilities that we compete on have come a long way over the years, from the open fields of the Greeks to the high-tech sports arenas of modern-day stadiums. The following infographic highlights some interesting facts about the sport and its history.
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