12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

A History of Movember and the Moustache

With Movember entering it’s 10th year, and the moustache growing charity fundraiser being more popular than ever, Jacamo thought they’d take a look back at the hard work Movember have put in over the last few years. Bulked out with some things you may not know about the humble ‘tache.

Are The Feds Preparing For Civil War?

Is the government preparing to put down widespread civil strife or uprising? After four years of economic woe, and an all-time low approval rating for congress, many Americans are asking this question. With a government that’s seemingly out of control, conspiracy theories are popping up about what’s “really” going on – and there’s more truth to these theories than you might think. Get the facts in the following infographic before it’s too late and see what you should be concerned about.

The Business of Running for President

Much like running a corporation, running for president is an expensive and time-consuming undertaking. Just like a corporation, a campaign involves employees, money management, public relations, advertising and the selling of a product or service, which in this case is the person running for office. This infographic takes a look at just what all it takes to run for president, and how big of a business doing so has become.

Generation Conflict: War, Conflicts & Invasions Since Gen X

Generation Conflict: War, Conflicts & Invasions Since Gen X

America has been involved in 22 official wars, conflicts and invasions since the beginning of Generation X, which by broadest definition starts in 1961 and ends at 1981. Although the losses can’t compare to the Baby Boomer’s Vietnam or the Silent Generation’s World War II or Korea, Americans are war weary and that includes Generations X and Y as you will see in the following infographic.

Alone But Not Lonely: The Trend of Solitary Living

More than ever, Americans are opting to live on their own. But how drastic is the change? In the following infographic by ForRent.com, take a look at the trend of Americans living alone, with a lot of the insight provided by Eric Klinenberg, author of “Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone.”

How To Save $2,882 By Using Coupons

This infographic shows how big a savings you will get from using coupon codes. Stores are offering great deals with household earning more than $70,000 each month and families with more members being the ones that will benefit most from this promotion.

How to Party: You Look Like You Could Use a Few Pointers

Whether you’re throwing a party or attending one, maybe you think you already know how to party. We’ll see about that. The following infographic from www.bestcollegesonline.org provides some pointers on parties for both those throwing them as well as those attending them.

A Brief History of Charitable Giving

Giving to charity isn’t a new fad; it’s a practice that has been popular for thousands of years. Research shows us that even through unconventional methods, the act of charitable giving has had its place in the history books for ages and is still growing in popularity. Here is an infographic that provides us a history of charitable giving dating back to 2500 BCE.

Smartphone Apps for Healthy Living

There is an increase in the number of health related apps users are downloading as well as increasing benefits for health professionals. Learn more in the following infographic from Confused.com.

The Paywall Trend

Gone are the days of walking down to your local grocery store to pick up the daily newspaper. Now, everyone gets the latest news online. But how can newspapers make money if they have lost their revenue from print advertisements and are providing free content online? Well, they can’t, and that’s why they are putting up paywalls left and right. Check out the infographic below to learn more about how paywalls are on the rise.

A History of Movember and the Moustache

With Movember entering it’s 10th year, and the moustache growing charity fundraiser being more popular than ever, Jacamo thought they’d take a look back at the hard work Movember have put in over the last few years. Bulked out with some things you may not know about the humble ‘tache.

Are The Feds Preparing For Civil War?

Is the government preparing to put down widespread civil strife or uprising? After four years of economic woe, and an all-time low approval rating for congress, many Americans are asking this question. With a government that’s seemingly out of control, conspiracy theories are popping up about what’s “really” going on – and there’s more truth to these theories than you might think. Get the facts in the following infographic before it’s too late and see what you should be concerned about.

The Business of Running for President

Much like running a corporation, running for president is an expensive and time-consuming undertaking. Just like a corporation, a campaign involves employees, money management, public relations, advertising and the selling of a product or service, which in this case is the person running for office. This infographic takes a look at just what all it takes to run for president, and how big of a business doing so has become.

Generation Conflict: War, Conflicts & Invasions Since Gen X

Generation Conflict: War, Conflicts & Invasions Since Gen X

America has been involved in 22 official wars, conflicts and invasions since the beginning of Generation X, which by broadest definition starts in 1961 and ends at 1981. Although the losses can’t compare to the Baby Boomer’s Vietnam or the Silent Generation’s World War II or Korea, Americans are war weary and that includes Generations X and Y as you will see in the following infographic.

Alone But Not Lonely: The Trend of Solitary Living

More than ever, Americans are opting to live on their own. But how drastic is the change? In the following infographic by ForRent.com, take a look at the trend of Americans living alone, with a lot of the insight provided by Eric Klinenberg, author of “Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone.”

How To Save $2,882 By Using Coupons

This infographic shows how big a savings you will get from using coupon codes. Stores are offering great deals with household earning more than $70,000 each month and families with more members being the ones that will benefit most from this promotion.

How to Party: You Look Like You Could Use a Few Pointers

Whether you’re throwing a party or attending one, maybe you think you already know how to party. We’ll see about that. The following infographic from www.bestcollegesonline.org provides some pointers on parties for both those throwing them as well as those attending them.

A Brief History of Charitable Giving

Giving to charity isn’t a new fad; it’s a practice that has been popular for thousands of years. Research shows us that even through unconventional methods, the act of charitable giving has had its place in the history books for ages and is still growing in popularity. Here is an infographic that provides us a history of charitable giving dating back to 2500 BCE.

Smartphone Apps for Healthy Living

There is an increase in the number of health related apps users are downloading as well as increasing benefits for health professionals. Learn more in the following infographic from Confused.com.

The Paywall Trend

Gone are the days of walking down to your local grocery store to pick up the daily newspaper. Now, everyone gets the latest news online. But how can newspapers make money if they have lost their revenue from print advertisements and are providing free content online? Well, they can’t, and that’s why they are putting up paywalls left and right. Check out the infographic below to learn more about how paywalls are on the rise.