12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Slugs: Know Your Enemy

Slugs have attacked many gardens in the United Kingdom this year and they have done so with a fierce hunger. The battle has turned delphiniums and hostas into mere lace skeletons, but never give in. In the words of Churchill “Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Wars are not won by slug pellets! We need to go back to the military books. So what’s the strategy?

Driverless Cars: The Future is Now!

Confused.com explores the widespread adoption of driverless vehicles which promises more roadway efficiency, less accidents due to distracted driving, and greater access to motor vehicles for people of all ages and abilities.

A Guide To Preventing Software Project Failure

Software solution specialists, MSM Software, in partnership with Computing Magazine, surveyed 200 senior IT professionals in a bid to see how the industry could be improved. What they found was a recurrent theme of unfinished or unsatisfactory projects as well as blown budgets, with a whopping two thirds of IT professionals admitting to involvement in a project which has failed to live up to expectations.

Turkey & Travel: How We Celebrate Thanksgiving

Time to get ready for food, travel and shopping with this Thanksgiving infographic from Nationwide Bank. See which dishes were served at the first Thanksgiving and how much money Americans will spend during Black Friday weekend this year.

History of MTV

The first song played on MTV turned out to be more than just a novelty. It was basically a prophecy of how MTV would come to change the way we enjoy music. It wasn’t all about listening anymore — we wanted to watch our music too. In the infographic below, follow the history of MTV from The Buggles to breaking network records.

Crack That Code: How To Override The Search Traffic

There have been over 500 updates in Google algorithm since the beginning of the year and still counting. Thanks to Google’s Panda updates alone some of businesses reported up to $6 million of losses and up to 75% decrease in their SEO visibility. This means that a lot of SEO efforts that you are so eagerly pushing forward are worthless unless you’ve built a solid foundation to weather any changes in the algorithm.

What Keeps the British Awake at Night?

Only 39 per cent of adults sleep well according to the poll of more than 5,300 people who took part in the Great British Sleep Study. Tossing and turning, unable to find ‘your spot’ in the mattress, your partner slapping you in the face with their dead arm at 2am… there is an endless list of reasons why us Britons can’t get some decent winks.

Obama vs. Romney Intellectual Property Policy

The Intellectual Property industry is a rapidly growing industry in the US with 74% of all US exports being related to this industry. More than likely, you will not hear this particular topic being brought up in major debates. It is not a focus on the campaign trail, but it is an important focal point for the US job market. Take a look at these statistics on IP as it relates to your candidate of choice.

7 Deadly Sins of a Landing Page

Landing pages on a website can be compared to multiple branches on a tree in the sense that they help shape and define a website. Here are 7 deadly sins from that must be avoided at all costs, especially if you don’t want to lose potential website customers.

Saving Money on Airport Parking in the UK

Airport parking is an aspect of holiday booking which is often overlooked initially and then booked at the last minute. In this infographic from Skypark Secure UK Airport Parking however, take a look at how booking airport parking in advance can save you money.

Slugs: Know Your Enemy

Slugs have attacked many gardens in the United Kingdom this year and they have done so with a fierce hunger. The battle has turned delphiniums and hostas into mere lace skeletons, but never give in. In the words of Churchill “Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Wars are not won by slug pellets! We need to go back to the military books. So what’s the strategy?

Driverless Cars: The Future is Now!

Confused.com explores the widespread adoption of driverless vehicles which promises more roadway efficiency, less accidents due to distracted driving, and greater access to motor vehicles for people of all ages and abilities.

A Guide To Preventing Software Project Failure

Software solution specialists, MSM Software, in partnership with Computing Magazine, surveyed 200 senior IT professionals in a bid to see how the industry could be improved. What they found was a recurrent theme of unfinished or unsatisfactory projects as well as blown budgets, with a whopping two thirds of IT professionals admitting to involvement in a project which has failed to live up to expectations.

Turkey & Travel: How We Celebrate Thanksgiving

Time to get ready for food, travel and shopping with this Thanksgiving infographic from Nationwide Bank. See which dishes were served at the first Thanksgiving and how much money Americans will spend during Black Friday weekend this year.

History of MTV

The first song played on MTV turned out to be more than just a novelty. It was basically a prophecy of how MTV would come to change the way we enjoy music. It wasn’t all about listening anymore — we wanted to watch our music too. In the infographic below, follow the history of MTV from The Buggles to breaking network records.

Crack That Code: How To Override The Search Traffic

There have been over 500 updates in Google algorithm since the beginning of the year and still counting. Thanks to Google’s Panda updates alone some of businesses reported up to $6 million of losses and up to 75% decrease in their SEO visibility. This means that a lot of SEO efforts that you are so eagerly pushing forward are worthless unless you’ve built a solid foundation to weather any changes in the algorithm.

What Keeps the British Awake at Night?

Only 39 per cent of adults sleep well according to the poll of more than 5,300 people who took part in the Great British Sleep Study. Tossing and turning, unable to find ‘your spot’ in the mattress, your partner slapping you in the face with their dead arm at 2am… there is an endless list of reasons why us Britons can’t get some decent winks.

Obama vs. Romney Intellectual Property Policy

The Intellectual Property industry is a rapidly growing industry in the US with 74% of all US exports being related to this industry. More than likely, you will not hear this particular topic being brought up in major debates. It is not a focus on the campaign trail, but it is an important focal point for the US job market. Take a look at these statistics on IP as it relates to your candidate of choice.

7 Deadly Sins of a Landing Page

Landing pages on a website can be compared to multiple branches on a tree in the sense that they help shape and define a website. Here are 7 deadly sins from that must be avoided at all costs, especially if you don’t want to lose potential website customers.

Saving Money on Airport Parking in the UK

Airport parking is an aspect of holiday booking which is often overlooked initially and then booked at the last minute. In this infographic from Skypark Secure UK Airport Parking however, take a look at how booking airport parking in advance can save you money.