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Doomsday Economy: The End Is Near!
In a time of apocalyptic predictions, where many believe that a major catastrophic event can happen any second, the demand for certain products has risen to a level that amazes even suppliers and manufacturers themselves. Shelter builders, survival kit makers, gun manufacturers, power generator suppliers and even movie producers, are some of the main business sectors that are making the most out of the current “doomsday economy”.
Hawaiian Vacation: Which Island To Visit?
I’ve been to Oahu twice now and the second time was much more enjoyable due to the part of the island we stayed at (Ko Olina) as well as the parts of the island we visited the most. However, there is so much more to see. There’s Kauai, Maui, Hawaii (the big island) as well as some smaller less commercialized islands. So which one to see on the next visit?
The Cutest Dog Breeds
EntirelyPets conducted a Facebook Poll as to what people feel are the cutest dog breeds in America. The poll looked at overall appearance and characteristics as well as celebrity factor. Discover out if your dog made the cutest dog breed list as well as learn some facts about each breed represented.
Under the Skirts of Amsterdam Tourism
The following infographic depicts the behavior of visitors to Amsterdam, including where they come from, how long they stay, the attractions they visit, and some statistics on bicycles in Amsterdam.
Magnesium Deficiency In Americans
The importance of magnesium in our diets is often overlooked or forgotten. About 75% of Americans are currently magnesium deficient. Here is an infographic that shows the key points and on magnesium deficiency statistics.
Solopreneurs: How We Market Online
More than 1,160 self-defined solo professionals were surveyed during May-June 2012 regarding how they market themselves. The following infographic reveals their responses, including what worked for them as well as their biggest source of pain.
Mad Men vs. Marketers: How the Art of Influence has Evolved
A lot has changed for marketers since the glamorous era depicted in AMC’s hit show Mad Men. The modern day marketer wields more technology, control, and impact than Mad Men could have ever dreamed of. The infographic below from Pardot compares the Mad Men era ad men to modern day marketers to show just how the art of influence has evolved.
Credit Cards Go Social
Credit cards have gone social, just like everything else these days. Social media has proven to be a great marketing tool, especially for targeting college students. Since the passage of the CARD act, credit card companies have been seeking out new ways to reach college students since they can longer pitch one campus. This infographic presented by Card Hub highlights how credit cards have gone social as well as some of their strategies.
Behind Every Fairytale Wedding Is a Fairy Godmother
This infographic from equipsupply outlines trending facts as well as the part a wedding planner plays in the development of a wedding ceremony. You will find related industry trends this past year and related data that gives a unique look at wedding planners and the wedding ceremony process.
Apponomics: The World of Mobile Apps
According to the infographic below, there are 585,000 apps on the Apple store, 450,000 apps on the Android market and 82,234 apps available at present on Microsoft’s store. In fact, more than 300,000 mobile apps have been developed in the last three years. The total number of apps downloaded so far exceeds 250 billion Apple apps, 10 billion Android and 217 million Windows apps. Besides these statistics, this infographic shows that the market yielded $7.3 billion revenue in 2011 and has predicted that revenues will reach $36.7 billion by 2015.
Doomsday Economy: The End Is Near!
In a time of apocalyptic predictions, where many believe that a major catastrophic event can happen any second, the demand for certain products has risen to a level that amazes even suppliers and manufacturers themselves. Shelter builders, survival kit makers, gun manufacturers, power generator suppliers and even movie producers, are some of the main business sectors that are making the most out of the current “doomsday economy”.
Hawaiian Vacation: Which Island To Visit?
I’ve been to Oahu twice now and the second time was much more enjoyable due to the part of the island we stayed at (Ko Olina) as well as the parts of the island we visited the most. However, there is so much more to see. There’s Kauai, Maui, Hawaii (the big island) as well as some smaller less commercialized islands. So which one to see on the next visit?
The Cutest Dog Breeds
EntirelyPets conducted a Facebook Poll as to what people feel are the cutest dog breeds in America. The poll looked at overall appearance and characteristics as well as celebrity factor. Discover out if your dog made the cutest dog breed list as well as learn some facts about each breed represented.
Under the Skirts of Amsterdam Tourism
The following infographic depicts the behavior of visitors to Amsterdam, including where they come from, how long they stay, the attractions they visit, and some statistics on bicycles in Amsterdam.
Magnesium Deficiency In Americans
The importance of magnesium in our diets is often overlooked or forgotten. About 75% of Americans are currently magnesium deficient. Here is an infographic that shows the key points and on magnesium deficiency statistics.
Solopreneurs: How We Market Online
More than 1,160 self-defined solo professionals were surveyed during May-June 2012 regarding how they market themselves. The following infographic reveals their responses, including what worked for them as well as their biggest source of pain.
Mad Men vs. Marketers: How the Art of Influence has Evolved
A lot has changed for marketers since the glamorous era depicted in AMC’s hit show Mad Men. The modern day marketer wields more technology, control, and impact than Mad Men could have ever dreamed of. The infographic below from Pardot compares the Mad Men era ad men to modern day marketers to show just how the art of influence has evolved.
Credit Cards Go Social
Credit cards have gone social, just like everything else these days. Social media has proven to be a great marketing tool, especially for targeting college students. Since the passage of the CARD act, credit card companies have been seeking out new ways to reach college students since they can longer pitch one campus. This infographic presented by Card Hub highlights how credit cards have gone social as well as some of their strategies.
Behind Every Fairytale Wedding Is a Fairy Godmother
This infographic from equipsupply outlines trending facts as well as the part a wedding planner plays in the development of a wedding ceremony. You will find related industry trends this past year and related data that gives a unique look at wedding planners and the wedding ceremony process.
Apponomics: The World of Mobile Apps
According to the infographic below, there are 585,000 apps on the Apple store, 450,000 apps on the Android market and 82,234 apps available at present on Microsoft’s store. In fact, more than 300,000 mobile apps have been developed in the last three years. The total number of apps downloaded so far exceeds 250 billion Apple apps, 10 billion Android and 217 million Windows apps. Besides these statistics, this infographic shows that the market yielded $7.3 billion revenue in 2011 and has predicted that revenues will reach $36.7 billion by 2015.
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