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Maximum Revenue: What Can RPM Do For You?
More than 400 companies participated in The Marketo Benchmark on Revenue Performance Management survey to learn how top performers were maximizing revenue coming directly from their marketing initiatives. The survey examined revenue performance maturity and performance metrics for each company across three categories.
Cuts to SNAP = More Hungry Kids
Members of Congress are working to reauthorize the Farm Bill, legislation that provides funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program, formerly known as food stamps, and for the SNAP education program. If Congress cuts funding for this program, it will affect millions of children and families, leaving them even more vulnerable to hunger.
Pregnancy: Self Esteem and Spa Treatments
This infographic shows the results of survey amongst mothers about self esteem during and after pregnancy. It also reveals what the most popular gift is for mothers after they have given birth.
What Is The Salary Of A Physical Therapist?
In this infographic you will get a feel for the salary data of a licensed physical therapist within the United States. The infographic provides a nice insight into the expected salary of a physical therapist by showing the median salaries over the last decade, average pay vs other health care jobs, salary by years of experience, skill level, gender, and by region.
Google Penguin VS Google Panda
There’s been a lot of talk about Penguins and Pandas in the SEO world recently. Rather than launch into a technical spiel about the advantages and setbacks of each of these highly important Google algorithm updates, Reload Media placed some of the most important information into an easy to digest infographic.
Generational Differences of Today’s Homebuyer
Generational selling is something that is very important to consider as a Realtor in today’s market. This infographic from Smith & Associates displays the differences in personality, communication, financial stages, technology familiarity, and what is important to each person in the sales process.
Lady Gaga’s Social Influence
Laughlin Constable uses social monitoring tools to calculate the influence of Lady Gaga. If the Twitter community were large enough, one of her tweets could reach the entire population of the world and then some. This and other interesting stats below.
You’re Not As Secure As You Think
We all want to feel as though our information is safe and secure, especially on our computers. And it’s even more important for businesses to have good cyber security because not only is it their information but their customers as well. Small business owners tend to think that hackers are not much of a threat to them, and unfortunately this is not the case.
The Toxicity of Surfing
The importance of keeping beaches clean cannot be stressed enough. Hidden in plain sight, the surf industry is wasteful and toxic. It is the goal with this infographic to educate surfers and help them make smarter decisions with what they ride and wear.
Best Places to Hunt
Deer hunting is a way of life for many in the United States. Those who are passionate about it are constantly on the lookout for the best places to hunt in their areas, and the good news is that there is no shortage of wonderful locales in which to pursue their passion. This infographic from Redneck Blinds shows statistics on best states to hunt based on size of deer killed, ratio of deer to hunters and public hunting areas.
Maximum Revenue: What Can RPM Do For You?
More than 400 companies participated in The Marketo Benchmark on Revenue Performance Management survey to learn how top performers were maximizing revenue coming directly from their marketing initiatives. The survey examined revenue performance maturity and performance metrics for each company across three categories.
Cuts to SNAP = More Hungry Kids
Members of Congress are working to reauthorize the Farm Bill, legislation that provides funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program, formerly known as food stamps, and for the SNAP education program. If Congress cuts funding for this program, it will affect millions of children and families, leaving them even more vulnerable to hunger.
Pregnancy: Self Esteem and Spa Treatments
This infographic shows the results of survey amongst mothers about self esteem during and after pregnancy. It also reveals what the most popular gift is for mothers after they have given birth.
What Is The Salary Of A Physical Therapist?
In this infographic you will get a feel for the salary data of a licensed physical therapist within the United States. The infographic provides a nice insight into the expected salary of a physical therapist by showing the median salaries over the last decade, average pay vs other health care jobs, salary by years of experience, skill level, gender, and by region.
Google Penguin VS Google Panda
There’s been a lot of talk about Penguins and Pandas in the SEO world recently. Rather than launch into a technical spiel about the advantages and setbacks of each of these highly important Google algorithm updates, Reload Media placed some of the most important information into an easy to digest infographic.
Generational Differences of Today’s Homebuyer
Generational selling is something that is very important to consider as a Realtor in today’s market. This infographic from Smith & Associates displays the differences in personality, communication, financial stages, technology familiarity, and what is important to each person in the sales process.
Lady Gaga’s Social Influence
Laughlin Constable uses social monitoring tools to calculate the influence of Lady Gaga. If the Twitter community were large enough, one of her tweets could reach the entire population of the world and then some. This and other interesting stats below.
You’re Not As Secure As You Think
We all want to feel as though our information is safe and secure, especially on our computers. And it’s even more important for businesses to have good cyber security because not only is it their information but their customers as well. Small business owners tend to think that hackers are not much of a threat to them, and unfortunately this is not the case.
The Toxicity of Surfing
The importance of keeping beaches clean cannot be stressed enough. Hidden in plain sight, the surf industry is wasteful and toxic. It is the goal with this infographic to educate surfers and help them make smarter decisions with what they ride and wear.
Best Places to Hunt
Deer hunting is a way of life for many in the United States. Those who are passionate about it are constantly on the lookout for the best places to hunt in their areas, and the good news is that there is no shortage of wonderful locales in which to pursue their passion. This infographic from Redneck Blinds shows statistics on best states to hunt based on size of deer killed, ratio of deer to hunters and public hunting areas.
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