12 Sensory Play Ideas For Teachers

Early childhood teachers are busy people who constantly create new and exciting activities for children in the classroom. Many of these activities incorporate sensory play, a concept incorporating the five senses into learning activities.

Financial Literacy 101: A Guide to Smart Money Management

An alarming number of people, across all age groups, struggle to manage their finances wisely. The following infographic highlights key statistics related to students’ financial challenges.

Study Unveils the World’s Longest Sniper Shots

Snipers are some of the world’s best marksmen, renowned for their precision aim, allowing them to covertly take down targets in one shot over vast distances. A study shows us which snipers have made the longest and most impressive shots in the world.

The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes in Independent Childcare Centers

Choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent can make. Among the many factors to consider, smaller class sizes in independent childcare centers stand out as a crucial element that directly impacts your child’s learning and development.


U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths by Type

The team at Joslyn Law Firm examined the vast amount of data on American overdose deaths to determine which drugs were the most deadly in 2022.

Search 11,900+ Infographics!

Anatomy of a DUI

So what is the real cost of a DUI? What’s involved in the DUI process once you’ve been arrested? This helpful infographic offers a nice visual look into the anatomy of a DUI. So if you’re drinking don’t drive, if you’re driving don’t drink.

Leveraging Internal and External Social Influence

Influence is the single most effective and most enduring marketing asset, and with 90 percent of purchases subject to social influence, it’s no surprise that savvy marketers are looking to leverage social influencers to increase sales and awareness.

The Right Brain vs. Left Brain of Marketers

Psychologists and personality theorists have long believed there to be differences between the right and the left side of the brain. The right side is responsible for creativity, while the left side handles the details and implementation. In B2B marketing, the type of thinker you are guides the campaigns you design. So what type of marketer are you?

The CMO Guide to Inbound Marketing

Now companies can engage and build relationships with buyers – and influence their preferences – using inbound marketing. When done right, this approach returns dramatically better results than traditional marketing techniques that rely on interrupting prospects. In this infographic, Marketo presents a visual overview of what a CMO needs to know about inbound marketing.

Is Content Marketing Traditional Advertising’s New Rival?

Content marketing has become a critical component of B2B marketing, but can you identify the most popular types of content, why they are used, and which content is working best? The following infographic, published by Marketo, provides the scoop on what’s hot and what’s not in content marketing.

Find the Best Airline For You

In addition to airfare, U.S. airlines continue to increase fees on other items. However, there are no standards or regulations when it comes to airline fees so travelers don’t know what to expect. Cost comparison is extremely difficult because prices range widely by airline and there is little transparency on the terms of each fee.

Economy, Real Estate, and Relocation

Atlas Van Lines has released their 2012 Corporate Relocation Survey and along with it, an infographic entitled: Economy, Real Estate, and Relocation.This year’s results show that companies across the U.S. saw improvements in relocation volumes, budgets and overall performances last year, and expect much of the same for 2012.

The Benefits of Using Digital Menus

Soon  all restaurants will have to comply with  the new labeling laws coming down the pipe. As many as 200,000 restaurants are scrambling to get ready for this laws. All those restaurants will have to comply by adding the nutritional information. The is long and...

Father’s Day vs Mother’s Day

When it comes to receiving gifts, fathers get the short end of the stick. In June, a simple BBQ and necktie will suffice while in May, gold and diamonds handed out over fancy dinners is the norm.In this infographic from Mrs. Fields, the two holidays are explored and compared.

Dine and Dish: Are Social Media and Food the Perfect Pairing?

Currently, 49 percent — or nearly half — of surveyed consumers learn about food through social networks, and 9 percent have downloaded a mobile food app in the past year. From tweeting about the delectable belgian waffle they just ate and discovering recipes on image-centric cooking blogs to checking into the hottest new restaurants, more food-obsessed Americans are turning to social technology to help satiate their cravings.

Anatomy of a DUI

So what is the real cost of a DUI? What’s involved in the DUI process once you’ve been arrested? This helpful infographic offers a nice visual look into the anatomy of a DUI. So if you’re drinking don’t drive, if you’re driving don’t drink.

Leveraging Internal and External Social Influence

Influence is the single most effective and most enduring marketing asset, and with 90 percent of purchases subject to social influence, it’s no surprise that savvy marketers are looking to leverage social influencers to increase sales and awareness.

The Right Brain vs. Left Brain of Marketers

Psychologists and personality theorists have long believed there to be differences between the right and the left side of the brain. The right side is responsible for creativity, while the left side handles the details and implementation. In B2B marketing, the type of thinker you are guides the campaigns you design. So what type of marketer are you?

The CMO Guide to Inbound Marketing

Now companies can engage and build relationships with buyers – and influence their preferences – using inbound marketing. When done right, this approach returns dramatically better results than traditional marketing techniques that rely on interrupting prospects. In this infographic, Marketo presents a visual overview of what a CMO needs to know about inbound marketing.

Is Content Marketing Traditional Advertising’s New Rival?

Content marketing has become a critical component of B2B marketing, but can you identify the most popular types of content, why they are used, and which content is working best? The following infographic, published by Marketo, provides the scoop on what’s hot and what’s not in content marketing.

Find the Best Airline For You

In addition to airfare, U.S. airlines continue to increase fees on other items. However, there are no standards or regulations when it comes to airline fees so travelers don’t know what to expect. Cost comparison is extremely difficult because prices range widely by airline and there is little transparency on the terms of each fee.

Economy, Real Estate, and Relocation

Atlas Van Lines has released their 2012 Corporate Relocation Survey and along with it, an infographic entitled: Economy, Real Estate, and Relocation.This year’s results show that companies across the U.S. saw improvements in relocation volumes, budgets and overall performances last year, and expect much of the same for 2012.

The Benefits of Using Digital Menus

Soon  all restaurants will have to comply with  the new labeling laws coming down the pipe. As many as 200,000 restaurants are scrambling to get ready for this laws. All those restaurants will have to comply by adding the nutritional information. The is long and...

Father’s Day vs Mother’s Day

When it comes to receiving gifts, fathers get the short end of the stick. In June, a simple BBQ and necktie will suffice while in May, gold and diamonds handed out over fancy dinners is the norm.In this infographic from Mrs. Fields, the two holidays are explored and compared.

Dine and Dish: Are Social Media and Food the Perfect Pairing?

Currently, 49 percent — or nearly half — of surveyed consumers learn about food through social networks, and 9 percent have downloaded a mobile food app in the past year. From tweeting about the delectable belgian waffle they just ate and discovering recipes on image-centric cooking blogs to checking into the hottest new restaurants, more food-obsessed Americans are turning to social technology to help satiate their cravings.